2010: day-by-day@klopix

Running life in debug mode.

Day-by-day: →201020092008

Month-by-month: 2010200920082007 →2006 →2005 →2004 →2003 →2002 →2001 →2000 →1999 →1998 →1997 →1996 →1995 →1994 →1993 →1992 →1991 →1990 →1989 →1988 →1987 →1986

Pending items

[House] Design architecture of my future house.

[Physics] Experiment with infra-red camera: as soon as I get some financial surplus, I gotta buy the cam and set it together with regular one pointed into the sky. See if some weird stuff shows up.

[Green Energy] 0.1% Petroleum-Water solution: check if it works.

[Progra, Communication] Publish following apps on web: Petka, FF, MsgDrivenFlakesWatches, http server, people.

[Video Practice, Q] How to paint a transparent image. I mean an image with non-rectangular shape. Part of the area has to display underlying background graphics.
A: GIFs are binary transparent (true, false). PNGs are 0–255 transparent. Now find out a way to paint those images (PNG@SergeyChikuenok).

[GreenHouse, Book] Download and read «Cradle to cradle» book by William McDonough. (I keep getting short or not as much short presentation, but I wanna find the book for free! Ordered the book from eBay on April 10th.)

[Video Practice, Q] How do I upload over hour long videos online? Youtube refuses to publish videos over 10 minutes, vimeo allows only 500Mb per week (on free accounts).
A: Either pay $60 for Vimeo+ or split video into pieces.

Jun 11 Fri

[Military] (1) Took a couple of psycho-analysis tests of theirs. (2) Went back to Krsk to drop the rest of things I won't be able to save at Nsk.

Jun 10 Thu

[Communication] Copied audio from videos of "American Culture Through Literature".

Jun 9 Wed

[Diploma] FINALLY gave the presentation.

Spent entire day listening to presenters.

Also listened (alive) to the old guy who this summer is going to complete his world trip on a boat. He in part said that he wouldn't make big plans for future, it would be nice to be ALIVE this summer (I assume he's aware of ).

Jun 8 Tue

[Diploma] (1) Tried another (louder) telephone to work with phone lines I've got in the conference room for forcoming demonstration tomorrow. (2) Brought all the hardware into the conf. room. (3) Made carboard paper hints for slides from the presentation LATE AT NIGHT (3am).

[Video] Dirty Jobs: +5 series.

Jun 7 Mon

[Diploma] (1) Modified presentation file. Focused on flaws of existing solutions to make clear why we did ours. (2) Recorded wav-files for telephone vote system answers.

[Video] (1) Dirty Jobs 1, 2. (2) The Promotion.

Jun 6 Sun

[Video] Steve Jobs @D8: Suicide at FoxConn – the factory which makes iPad. 400k workers. 13 suicides.
Top Gear TV show.
The Sasquatch Gang.

Jun 5 Sat

[Links] That's what she said stories

[Video] Limp Bizkit 1998 with Corn & Ice Cube
Metallica 1996 @Seoul
Rammstein @Berlin
Физические демонстрации (П*льч*к*в).
8 миллиметров.

[Communication] Found LJ-user who participated in Brat-2 back scenery

Jun 4 Fri

[Video] (1) Mike Rows: “All Dirty Jobs”. Wow, it's just amazing. I so like his videos.
(2) Steve Jobs & Bill Gates @D5 conference.
(3) Killdozer: Marvin Heemeyer.

Jun 3 Thu

[Diploma] Presentation at 2pm & got some more papers signed.

[Esoteric, Video] LAZAREV & total interconnection with Trehlebov from another angle.

Jun 2 Wed

[Diploma] (1) Made titles markup for the demonstration. (2) Got diploma text signed & approved at institute of math (since my official scientific advisor's from there).

[Reflexion] It's so unbelievably hard & painful to take rest, relaxation time. I cannot bear it easily. I keep thinking about breaking that relax-n time & start doing exercizes.

[Links] www.4chan.org

[TED] Brian Skerry reveals ocean's glory & horror

Jun 1 Tue

[Reflexion] There's nothing wrong if flattering IF I do that with an intent to ENCOURAGE the person to become better at whatever it is I'm flattering one.

[Diploma] Built prototype of working demonstration for forthcoming demonstration.

[TED] Lessig Nyed
(!) John Underkoffler: Drive 3d data with a gesture

May 2010: 14.4h ± 3.5h

May 31 Mon

[Diploma] (1) Got review signed & approved by HR. (2) Printed text & make a book. (3) Wrote annotation. (4) Composed list of publications. (5) Made new presentation focusing on analysis of why existing solutions are bad. (6) Figured a safe way to transit my diploma document when I'm gone to the military service.

May 30 Sun

[Video, Relaxation] “Letterman Show 2010”, “Bordello of Blood”, “Утомлённые солнцем II”, “Гришковец – День рождения на флоте”

[Travel] Virtual trip to: Littleton, Colorado, USA, San-Francisco

[TED] Pattie Maes demonstrates the sixth sense
Peter Ward: Mass extinctions

May 29 Sat

[Health] Slept the entire day throughout (was up only 1 hour cooking & eating).

May 28 Fri

[Diploma] (1) Fixed title page. (2) Links: must be single digited if possible.

[Environment] Wonderful rain. Massive flood from the sky. Huge water drops. Like 3-4 times throughout the day.

[TED] Willie Smits restores a rainforest

[Travel] Virtually visited: Austin, Texas, US

May 27 Thu

[Diploma] (1) Gave presentation to L*v*r*nt*v after 12 o'clock in a conference room. (2) Passed student's record book to the dean's office. (3) Sent final version of the text to reviewer.

[Communication] Suddenly ran into Victor L*k*sh*v on a street. He got back from abroad.

[TED] Gever Tulley's tinkering school in action

May 26 Wed

[Video, Relaxation] “Interstate 60”, “Butterfly Effect”, “City of Angels”, “Whatever Works”.

[Diploma] Beaurocracy shit.

[TED] Kary Mullis: Next Gen Cure for Killer Infections
Sharmeen Obaid: Chinoy inside a school for suicide bombers

May 25 Tue

[Video, Relaxation] “Pharmacy on duty” 3.1–3.4.

[Diploma] (1) Edit modem chapter with yesterday's reasoning. (2) Edit table numbers. (3) Edit link order (in bibliography list). (4) Add exact text I'm going to be talking for each slide in prestation PPT file.

[TED] Johanna Blakley: Lessons From Fashion's Free Culture

May 24 Mon

[Diploma] Negotiated text with scientific advisor.

[Video, Educ] Set up “Dirty Jobs” (30Gb) for download from torrents.

[TED] Sir Ken Robinson: Bring on the revolution
Tim Brown: Creativity & Play

May 23 Sun

[Reflexion] My major problem is: I still haven't picked up a goal of my life (there're so many good ones) & waste my energy on relatively small insignificant ones.

[TED] Tim Ferris: Smash Fear, Learn Anything
Matthew Childs: 9 rules of rock climbing
Christopher Deam restyles the airstream
(!)Mike Rowe celebrates dirty jobs
Evan Williams: Listening to twitter users
(!)Woody Norris invents amazing things
Joseph Pine: What consumers want
David Carson: Design
Barry Schuler: Genomics 101
Craig Venter is on the verge of creating synthetic life

May 22 Sat

[Video, Relaxation] Luc Besson's movies: “B13-U”, “Nikita”, “Bandidas”, “From Paris with Love”, “Danny the Dog”, “Taken”

[Reflexion] Ate entire chocolate cake on my own. It's a fallacy to think that artificial food is good for organism. It's a symbol of great pleasure, but in fact, it leaves you with lots of suffer (in the stomach). It's like poison in a beautiful box.

May 21 Fri

[Diploma] Negotiated text with T*r*n*c*v. Scheduled review of the following version on next Monday.

[TED] Craig Venter unveils synthetic life

[Travel] With Google Maps I've been surfing through the Times Square
Also *visited* Scranton, Washington, Cleveland, Miami, Flint.

[English, Video] Challenging speaking to understand

May 20 Thu

[Video, Relaxation] “Celda 211” (Камера 211. Зона).

[TED] A.J.Jacobs: Year of living biblically
AlGore's new thinking on the climate crisis

May 19 Wed

[Diploma] Negotiated text with Reviewer. He had a LONG list of changes for me to take care of.

[Communication] Copied Andrey some videos of Trehlebov & Michael Moore. He got interested.

[War2012] Finished reading “Мародёр”. The ending is kinda sad. At the same time if I don't prepare a safe place for myself, THAT ENDING is very likely to happen.

May 18 Tue

[Reflexion] To be self-disciplined means...

[War2012] Printed the rest of “Мародёр” by B*r*k*m to take some pressure off my eyes while reading it.

[Telephone, Progra] Set up some steps to implement automatic scheduled start/ stop for the accepting calls mode.

[Communication] Talked to Andrey B*r*w*sk* about War2012 at his appartment (he quit the job).

May 17 Mon

[Diploma] Contacted reviewer, handed over him the text.

[Thoughts] NSU campus is such an eco-paradise compared to any city (Nsk, Krsk, Msk, Eburg, ...). I just become alive through opening up my breathing.

May 16 Sun

[Communication] Walked through the Tatysheva island. Bought one more sailor's striped shirt at a mall. Took pictures of school #145. Mama made a splendid supper. Departured to Nsk (for the first time was on board of such a luxurious train. Ma-a-an, never seen so clean & well designed bathrooms before in trains).

May 15 Sat

[Workout] Bike rides happen rarely in my life for last 2 years because I don't have my own bike (because I'm afraid I'll stop jogging if I have a bike). That's why I enjoyed it. Noticed (1) new road on Tatysheva; (2) new road cover down the "политех"; (3) dad's bicycle is awesome.

[Communication] Went downto Divnogorsk, talked to grands. Have been to Dmitry's appartments, watched Afrika photos. Demonstrated pa & ma TAXI movie & Ueli Gegenschatz flying in wingsuit.

May 14 Fri

[Travel] Trip to Krsk: ma-a-an, 2 dogs & a cat inside the train. Never experienced such a shitty conditions before.

May 13 Thu

[Military] Bought RW return-ticket to Krsk.

May 12 Wed

[Diploma] Finished the document which would allow another person (Dmitry) to pickup my diploma when I'm gone.

[Q] How do I know...

[TED] Gregory Petsko: Coming neurological epidemic
(!)Newton Aduaka: Story of Ezra
Marvin Minsky: Health & Human mind

May 11 Tue

[MFC, Progra] Worked on creation of regioned GUI app.

[Relax, Video] Watched TAXI-4. :))))

[TED] Nathan Myhrvold: Could This Laser Zap Malaria

May 10 Mon

[Diploma] Handed over a copy of diploma text to reviewer. Fixed "Why specificly THAT hardware". Added some literature links.

[Relax, Video] Watched TAXI-1,2,3. Hilarious & cute.

May 9 Sun

[Environment, Video] Saw incredible wake-up-call movie “Home” which contains scenes from more than 50 countries. (Made some shots).

[Links] www.6billionothers.org

May 8 Sat

[Environment, TED] Subtitled Jeremy JACKSON's TED2010 performance.

May 7 Fri

[Communication] Participated in Dmitry+Olesya marriage public procedure.

[Diploma, SL] Negotiated modem question with scientific adviser (AT-compatible modem observation).

May 6 Thu

[Diploma, SL] Negotiated text with scientific adviser.

[Military] Got institute & military department confirmations for the document from deans office for Dmitry to pickup diploma document after I leave to the service.

May 5 Wed

[Reflexion] General purpose of living is...

May 4 Tue

[Military] Started filling up some documents for Dmitry to pickup my diploma document after I leave to military service.

[Book] Got a paper book over mail about red planet Nibiru. Read it in 20-30 minutes. Was interesting.

May 3 Mon

[Diploma, SL] Described statistics processing algo.

[War2012, Video] “Необъявленная война”

[Reflexion] If I had will...

May 1–2 2010: Nothing special.

April 2010: 14.7h ± 1.9h

Apr 30 Fri

[Diploma] + 2 pages (completed statistics chapters), started writing about architecture.

Apr 29 Thu

[Diploma] Started writing statistics chapter. Figured how to crop rectangular images irregularly so as in the end they have arbitrary (drawn) edge shape in Inkscape: just draw the curve, select both curve and the image and apply crop procedure (look very cool).

[Diploma, Military] Got buddy's signature on the attorney letter for him to pick up my diploma document.

[TED] George Whitesides: Toward a Science of Simplicity

Apr 28 Wed

[Communication, People] Gave my congrats to Sergey Avd**v.

[Military, Diploma] Got the “обходной лист” to fillup to finally make my buddy legally pick up diploma document while I'm gone to military service in June. Also got review from scientific adviser about my work at the laboratory. Also put presentation from yesterday online.

[TED] Don Norman on 3 ways good design makes you happy
Stephen Wolfram: Computing a theory of everything
Roz Savage: Why I'm rowing across the Pacific

Apr 27 Tue

[Diploma, Video Practice] Gave presentation & recorded it in order to see my f*ckups so that next time I do it better. Also, officially changed diploma topic because I picked a new one only a month ago and the chair secretary didn't know that.

[PC, HDD] Guys from HDD restore service called me saying that job is done, please come by & pick it up. I replied I told 'em only to give the donor HDD from eBay & not to do the restore procedure. They very unwillingly recollected that & admitted my decision not to pay for work they've done.

Apr 26 Mon

[Diploma] Negotiated PPT with scientific adviser. Made many notes. Applied. Prepared for tomorrow's presentation.

Apr 25 Sun

[Video] Трёхлебов 2010 2 апреля.

Apr 24 Sat

[Video Practice] Recorded “American Culture... #11.

[Video] Трёхлебов 2010 9 апреля.

Apr 23 Fri

[Diploma] Discussed presentation coming on Tuesday (27). Wrote 1 more page. Started composing PPT.

[Reflexion] Who am I working for...

Apr 22 Thu

[Diploma] 10+ fixes. Texting about logging subsystem. Estimation of how many calls per hour (~15k/h).

Apr 21 Wed

[Video] (1) The Quickie (2) Трёхлебов 2010 11 апреля.

[Diploma] Wrote 3 more pages, painted global architechtural scheme.

Apr 20 Tue

[Diploma] Negotiated text with scientific chief. Wrote some more text about telephone adapter.

[Video] Michael Moore's “Canadian Bacon”

Apr 19 Mon

[Diploma] Emailed telephone adapter developers asking how many lines can I connect to a single PC. Turned out 32 boxes x 8 holes in a box = 256 RJ-11 ports per PC. Wrote a couple more pages of diploma text.

[Communication] Dude from USA was travelling around Russia, he needed a couch to take a nap at night on Wednesday, so I texted him from cellphone. He replied:
 Me — Dude, you may stay at my room.
Him — Вы из Новосиб, да?
 Me — Да, я в академ городке живу. ****** ** (Улица, дом). Зовут Иван.
Him — Спасибо болшое, иван! Я вас позвону в среду или в четверг.
 Me — Okie-dokie.
Him — (On Thursday). Hey ivan! Look like i may not need the couch after all. Thank you so so much though!
 Me — Alright, take care.

[Military] Passed all the rest docs to the military dept.

Apr 18 Sun

[War2012] · Self-defence fighting: Система Вадима СТАРОВА. www.systemaspetsnaz.ru
· Movie: “Ефимов — лекция в ФСБ”. It's available on youtube.

Apr 17 Sat

[Video Practice] Recorded 10th film of “American Culture..”

Apr 16 Fri

[Environment] Got myself a pair of rubber shoes — it's getting pretty wet outdoor. The shoes feel great.

Apr 15 Thu

[Movies] “Shutter Island” (2010)

[War2012] Bought a knife for self-defence.

Apr 14 Wed

[War2012] Saw “Русский крест” movie.

Apr 13 Tue

[Environment, Movies] Surfed Internet for people from the &rarr“11th Hour” movie. Added their personal websites as comments on my according picasaweb album.

Apr 12 Mon

[Military] Selected Rocket Forces for the following military service year. Also asked B*r*k*m which forces make you study technical skills the most. He replied he has no idea how're things now though has been in several kinds of forces 20 years back.

[Environment, Book, William McDounough] I'm trying to get this Cradle-to-Cradle book for 4 months already. After I ordered it from eBay recently using a virtual master-card from online-banking system, it required some kind of confirmation code, so that I actually went to the bank building, but they replied as soon as operator considers my transaction with the PayPal, the purchase will be completed without my further participation. Ma-a-an, computers don't make things easier, I'm telling ya.

Apr 11 Sun

[War2012] “Где живёт песец” by Беркем.
15 more pages of “Мародёр”.
КП Петров: “Концепция Общественной Безопасности”.

[Video Practice] Composed & rendered “American Culture..” #9 and put it online.

Apr 10 Sat

[Video Practice] Recorded “American Culture Through Literature, the 20th century” #9.

[War2012] Read 30 more pages of “Мародёр”.

[TED] Ueli Gegenschatz: Wingsuit fligts,
Paul Moller: Skycar.

Apr 9 Fri

[Video, Educ] “Тайны египетских пирамид” by Андрей Скляров. Questions the myth that ancient people were unskilled and rather says they were way more skilled then we are. With evidence.

[Green, William McDonough] Opened virtual MasterCard to buy the cradle-to-cradle book on eBay.

Apr 8 Thu

[Diploma, SL] Wrote 3 more pages, applied automatic linked content menu.

Apr 7 Wed

[Business, Video Practice] Called startravel, offered them “American Culture...” course I'm recording. They redirected me to Moscow administration centre. Wrote email there.

[War2012] Read “Атака  на Россию” by Сергей Кара-Мурза. This smart man asks some deep and important questions about our common future.

Apr 6 Tue

[Military] Psychiatrist confirmed I'm perfectly fine.

[Business, Video] MOROZ's film “Team Spirit”. Very cool. Probably the best of all the videos of him.

Apr 5 Mon

[Diploma, SL] Talked with Sh*dr*n (he called me into his office): he asked why would I undergo millitary service unsolicited. And also offered to do diploma on another topic (which I've completed before -- the telephone poll system) since I'm not in time with the muxer.

[Military] My female parent desperately wants to take control over me and so she is pretending like I'm gone insane (if I want to undergo military service). So she demanded a diagnosis from psychiastrist that I'm okay. That so pissed me off. But I agreed because if I'm okay then after the test I won't ever do whatever she requires me to because officially I don't know if she is *okay*.

Apr 4 Sun

[Military] Read 55 pages of “Мародёр”

Apr 3 Sat

[Video Practice] Recorded “American Culture Through Literature, the 20th century” #7

[Green Energy] Saw a demo where 0.1%-petroleum-water solution burns. Gotta replicate it myself.

Apr 2 Fri

[SL, Communication] Talked to boss that I'm not in time with diploma. I don't wanna do a shitty job. And I wanna finish projects, so when I'm gone, you ain't gonna be fucked. He accepted my decision.

[Video Practice] Composed “Confucius Classroom” clip.

Apr 1 Thu

[Diploma, NSU, SL] Went downto NSU Physics Dept. dean's office. Figured I can do diploma in next 5 years with a right to get a degree. I just have to get my mark by the end of the term.

[Military] Since I'm going to army I'm now selling all the stuff from my appartment. Sold my huge lovely table which I so craved to have back in 2008.

[Relfection, Diploma, Military] I decided I'm not gonna be in time with my diploma this year, and after I told that to my parents, I figured: “hell, I've got nothing to do in Krsk, so I'ma stay in Nsk and complete the projects I've been doing for the last two years, so that when I'm gone to the army, these guys will be okay”.

March 2010: 14.3h ± 2.2h

Mar 31 Wed

[Military] Passed 4 more health examinations (fluorography, cardiogram, 2 blood samples for type & HIV).

Mar 30 Tue

[Military] Passed all the samples for medical examination I had from military department. And now got four more.

[Experimental] Tried to take off the infra-red filter on my webcam to see if it works in infra-red light range. But filter seems to be implemented as a thin film sprayed onto CCD matrix. I'll try to get that film off the matrix later.
A-a-a-a-and, for some odd reason, webcam doesn't wanna work anymore. PWC-5300 samsung pleomax driver isn't suitable anylonger.


Mar 29 Mon

[Military] Signature from dermatologist. Finally. Worth 20km jogging.

[Experimental, Video] Simple thermography: video.

Mar 28 Sun

[Movies] “Трёхлебов” +4 фильма.

[Movies, Health] “Хатха-йога” Андрея Сидерского — 3 фильма.

[TED] Alan Siegel: Let's simplify legal jargon
Patsy Rodenburg: Why I do theater
Joel Levine: Why we need to go back to Mars
Robert Gupta: Music is medicine, music is sanity

Mar 27 Sat

[Video Practice] Recorded “American Culture Through Literature, the XXth century” #7. See teaser from 9th lecture.

[Movies] “Трёхлебов 20 марта 2008”

Mar 26 Fri

[Movies] → “Осторожно, Еда”
→ “Генно-модифицированная еда”
→ “Трёхлебов 2000, 13 марта 2010, декабрь 2009”

[Military] Somehow my signature on dermatologist examination receipt got refused.

Mar 25 Thu

[Military] → Passed another blood (sugar) sample for medical examination.
→ Started dermatologist examination.
→ Talked to folks about forthcoming war. They're scared to death & that is why just ignoring my proposal to get prepared and pretend like I'm gone crazy. Poor people.

[Educ] Сетка Хартмана — interference pattern on Earth surface out of kernel radiational energy.

Mar 24 Wed

[Military] + Urine samples
+ 2 blood samples

[PC] Asked guys from (www.nskcvd.ru) to abort the HDD restore operation. I came to conclusion that backup isn't worth paying those money. Especially because I've partially backed it up in other places. So now I'm waiting on donor-HDD from eBay to arrive to pick 'em both up.

Mar 23 Tue

[Military] Got a medical & physical examination procedure at local military department in order to get admitted into army this summer. Established War 2012 branch. Contacted B*r*k*m & got his reply about what to do to be prepared.

Mar 22 Mon

[Military] Figured what should I do to get admitted into army this summer — gotta undergo medical & physical examination.

[Movies] → “They live” — I'd say scary primarily because reminds how things really are now.
→ Saw Трёхлебов's films. Ma-a-a-a-an, he is so full of answers to my questions.
→ “Глобальный взгляд #27” by Павел Глоба — wide observation on ecological living out of the city mess.

[TED] Douglas Adams: Parrots the universe & everything

Mar 21 Sun

[Movies] Trehlebov — this man gives so many answers to so many questions of mine and provided data I used to built the big picture of what's going on right now in our world. Also, his book &rarr“Кощуны Финиста”

[GreenEnergy] PanaceaUniversity — water powered car engine and many other alternative energy assemblies.

Mar 20 Sat

[Movies] Michael Moore's “Roger & Me”: foreclosures, GM firing the whole Flint city from the factory to build factories in Mexico where assembly lines people would work for lower wages: $0.7/hour.

[Video Practice] Negotiated (with author) selling movies to work&travel companies if any would accept my offer. Sent ~10 offers over email to different companies. None responded. Not a single one.

[TED] Ken Kamler: Medical miracle on everest

Mar 19 Fri

[Video Practice] Deinterlaced "American Culture Through Literature" #3.

[PC] Confirmed buying HDD donor from eBay for fixing my failed HDD.

Mar 18 Thu

[Video Practice] Renderred “American Culture Through Literature” #3 with author portraits.

[Green] Emailed GreenBeltMovement.com. But no responce yet (Apr11th).

[Green, Recycling] Recycling branch.

[TED] Jane McGonigal: Can make a better world

Mar 17 Wed

[Movies] “A Guide to Recognize Your Saints”

[EPEA, Green] Contacted EPEA to undergo any kinda internship, employment — whatever they can offer. They replied twice both times saying they forward my email to higher people.

Mar 16 Tue

[Green, Video] DiCaprio's "11th Hour" movie shots.

[TED] Eric Dishman: Take health care off the mainframe

Mar 15 Mon

[Video Practice] Deinterlaced “American Culture Through Literature” #5.

[Health, Norbekov] Summarized gymnastics into short list in my paper notebook.

[TED] Mark Roth: Suspended animation

[Mission] In my company people're gonna have...

[Soul scream] Problem of modern programming...

Mar 14 Sun

[Video Practice] Renderred “American Culture Through Literature” #5.

[TED] Juan Enriquez: Shares mindboggling new science
Stephen Hawking: Asks big questions about the universe
Chris Anderson: Shares his vision for ted
Richard Branson: Life at 30k feet

[Mission] Vulnerable people're able...

Mar 13 Sat

[Video Practice] Recorded "American Culture Through Literature" #5.

[Video] “Capitalism: A Love Story” (dude, that's such an awesome film).

[Book] TRIZ by Salamatov

[TED] Gary Vaynerchuk: Do what you love, no excuses

Mar 12 Fri

[Video Practice] "American Culture Through Literature": renderred movie #4.

[Video, Green] Watched "11th Hour" by DiCaprio.

[TED] Eric Mead: The magic of the placebo
Daniel Goleman: Compassion
Ben Dunlap: Talks about a passionate life

Mar 11 Thu

[Book] "Если ты честен".

[Video, GreenHouse] Watched strawbale eco-communities living here in Russia for some years already.

[TED] Dan Barber: How I fell in love with a fish

[Photo] Divnogorsk trans-urban bicycle ride
Winter bicycles
Niclaus Virt 2005 @NSU

[GreenHouse] http://ridnazemlya.org.ua

Mar 10 Wed

[Video, Educ] Watched series of &lqduo;How it's made” videos: shoes/ nails/ glass/ goggles/ alchohol/ bicycles/ boats/ paper/ hard trucks/ membrane switches

[PC] Bought new huge HDD: 1.5Tb

Mar 9 Tue

[PC] Confirmed buying HDD donor from eBay to restore my poor HDD with broken disk heads.

[TED] Eddi Reader: Sings about what you've got
Sergey Brin & Larry Page: Google
TED-alike meeting: DLD (digital life design)
Will Wright: Makes toys that make worlds

[Communication] Got registered on LinkedIn. & finally got online at my appartment.

[Video] Oleg Tinkov's regular video: http://olegtinkov.livejournal.com/86201.html
Discovery: “How it's made” 6 series (plastic bottles, balls, minivans).

Mar 8 Mon

[Green] Figured out Alpha-bank Visa doesn't work with Amazon. They said I've got to open virtual visa card for two months on https://click.alfabank.ru/

Mar 7 Sun

[PC] Took Zune (device) & PC to work & make 'em interplaying.

[Video Practice] Tried various different modes for deinterlace filters. First fully renderred version.

Mar 6 Sat

[Health, Video Practice] Yet another snow jump, but this time I ran into forest all dressed up, found gorgeous snow hill, and took so high and cool jump, it was the best of previous ones.

[PC] → Bought PCI-to-5-2.0-USB converter.
→ More than 90 windows updates.
→ Sound card installed (crystal cs4281).
→ Direct-f*cken-X.
→ Zune.

[Video Practice] Captured lecture #4 of “American Culture Through Literature”.

Mar 5 Fri

[PC] → Directx
→ Driver for maxtor video accelerator card
→ At technocity they don't restore HDDs. But got an address for www.nskcvd.ru

Mar 4 Thu

[Video Practice] Renderred 2nd lecture of “American Literature Through Culture” (not gonna be published until its all done -- 12 films).

[PC] Got a new-old power supply for my new PC.

[Business, Finance] Offered Bragin selling american culture movies.

Mar 3 Wed

[Business, Finance] Aud. 316, 16.00 -- presentation of Work&Travel program by Explorica. Proposed selling American Culture movies I record myself. They seemed kinda illegal, but with strong will to get their piece of students market share.

[PC] Tried to fit a new-old ATX mother board into AT PC box. My mistake was -- first I took PC to work, then I realized the mb is ATX type.

[GreenEE] Cut a wide hole in the middle of boomerang propeller and put it on HDD rotor.

Mar 2 Tue

[TRIZ] → Cavities in freezing liquid to prevent from (a) damaging vessels & (b) hydro-waves.
→ Simple (starting school level) tasks with numeric answers for railway car operators.
→ To measure volume use water displacement.

Mar 1 Mon

[GreenEE] Ordered “Cradle to Cradle” on Amazon, but later it returned due to Visa decline.

[Communication] Showed “USA bosses” private video to company's administration people.

February 2010: 14.4h ± 2.0h

Feb 28 Sun

[TED] →Raghava on Five lives of an artist, →Bobby McFerrin hacks your brain with music, →Eric Topol on wireless future of medicine, →Augmented reality mapping technology by Blaise Aguera.

[Mission] There is a point in career as an employee...

[Mission] Life's specifically designed...

Feb 27 Sat

[TED] Temple Grandin: World needs all kinds of minds

[Mission] Afraid of single-tasked activity.

[GreenEE] What I love about physics.

Feb 26 Fri
New coil

[GreenEE] Made a new coil outta CD transparent cover, a bunch of coins and copper wire. It produces twice as much voltage.

[Mission] Foreign tourism invitations.

[Thoughts] Emotional acceleration.

[Music] Molotov – Puto!

Feb 25 Thu
Rectifier Rectifiied signal

[GreenEE] Made quite simple 4-diode-1-capacitor rectification scheme. Worked unexpectedly good.

Feb 24 Wed

[Mission] What makes fairly job even miserable...

[TED] Aimee Mullis on opportunity of adversity

[Progra] MFC SDI app custom name
How to prevent launching a second app instance

[Links, Progra] http://vcfaq.mvps.org/mfc
http://bobmoore.mvps.org (Win32/W32main_ns.htm)
... and a simple tracking system – http://todo.steve.org.uk/

[Q] One & only woman.

Feb 23 Tue

[GreenEE] Put CD instead of native steel discs onto HDD bushing. Finally made magnets stay on top of disc surface at full RPM rate. But there's an imbalance issue raised – controller shuts power down every 5 seconds at the moment when it reaches highest RPM rate.

Feb 22 Mon
Teared off piece of double side scotch tape

[GreenEE] Double-side-scotch tape didn't workout, get a tube of superglue.

[Video Practice] Composed and rendered movie with USA bosses.

[TED] Bills Gates 2010

Feb 21 Sun

[Video Practice] Digitized (1) Confucius class session (over 50min), (2) Permyakova's lecture, (3) USA bosses.
Heck, analogous capturing brings distortions and noise into picture.

[RSS Reader] Multiple app instances.

[GreenEE] Get some double side foam scotch tape for HDD windmill experiment.

Feb 20 Sat

[Video Practice] (1) Conducted that big bosses from America video session. Wow, those are real huge bosses. Damn! It was cool.
(2) Confucius class video session. Bro won 1st place for his photos from China (his photos ain't available, its mine).
(3) 2nd lecture of american literature through culture. Gave her a 15 min rendered video piece to check out.

[Green Energy] Figured, what if I temporarily replace wind force by HDD controller to build generator windigs & magnet rods.

Feb 19 Fri

[Video Practice] (1) Rendered a piece of first lecture of american literature through culture course.
(2) Negotiated with high administration people tomorrow's big bosses from America video session.
(3) Showed my practical guide video to people in company on men's day party. They liked it :) I'm flattered.

[Health] I keep doing snow jumps, but now I carry a bunch of playcards to try that intuition state: male humans are usually much better at intuition when they're mobilized. I guessed the color of a card correctly two times of two so far.

Feb 18 Thu
Year clock Prototype

[Fun, Efficiency] Year clock concept and prototype.

[Eng] Meeting with Stuard White. Expected a better performance. Well, may be it wasn't so good, because he was speaking Russian :)

Feb 17 Wed

[Q] What sort of connection is there between 12 hours in daytime and 12 month in year?

[Video Practice] De-interlacing

[Aims] Composed my list of aims to achieve.

Feb 16 Tue

[RSS reader] Minimize on start & launch tasks on start & inserting images between RSS news into subtitles.

[Video Practice] De-interlacing

[Mission] http://olegtinkov.livejournal.com/82156.html

[Research] Generally good app is for dumbs to use, with unlimited power to offer.

Feb 15 Mon

[PC] Found a person who'd like to buy my dead laptop. He offered me 170% of what other companies give at most. Cool! I sold it.

[Book, Efficiency] Peter Drooker.

[Research] Single place

[GreenHouse] VELOX tech

Feb 14 Sun

[Video Practice] Finally composed «Practical guide to bring you spirit back up». Digitized DV cassettes from american literature course (gotta use MPEG2-I-frames codec, not the uncompressed RGB, quality is still good, but the weight is so much acceptable :)

Feb 13 Sat
Digitizing DV cassette

[Video Practice, Eng] I decided to do half-year recording of «American literature through culture» course led in English. Recordered first lecture. 2 DV cassettes.

[Book, Efficiency] Peter Drooker. Wow, this guy knows what he talks about. Thanks to Vadim for the book.

[Educ, TED] Elizabeth Gilbert on Genius

Feb 12 Fri
Ancient PC

[PC] Bought a network (ethernet) PCI card for 1$ :) to install into my recently obtained ancient PC.

[GUI] Vague issues

[Educ, TED] Jamie Oliver, George Whitesides about a Lab of postage stamp size

[GreenHouse] Modular houses

Feb 11 Thu

[Q] What's teenage maximalism is and is it bad or good? Does it help achieving goals?

[Video Practice] Started composing «Practical guide to bring you spirit back up» clip :) Hilarious, inspirational.

Feb 10 Wed

[Health] Second snow jump, a-a-a-a-and, my wrist weird hillock disappeared! :) I like it.

[Mission] Side effect of efficiency

Feb 9 Tue

[Health] First snow jump performance after long break. Spectacular!

[Telephone poll] Save/ Load/ Erase statistics option (completion).

[Mission] Wealthy and saint

[Research] BOOL or bool

Feb 8 Mon

[Fun] Hanged up curtains (first time in my life) on my appartment window. Looks so cosy from now on.

[Telephone poll] Save/ Load/ Erase statistics option.

[Mission] Emotional fitness

Feb 7 Sun

[Educ, TED] John Doerr Sees salvation & profit in greentech, Amy Smith Shares simple lifesaving design, Kamal Meattle On how to grow your own fresh air, Jamie Heywood on Big idea his brother inspired

Feb 6 Sat

[Esoteric, Book] Finished reading parables full of humour, wisdom and inspiration from Norbekov's library.

[Health] Hvan & Norbekov's breathe gymnastics lesson

Feb 5 Fri

[Green] Segway

[Educ, TED] Dean Kamen on Inventing & giving, Alex Steffen Sees a sustainable future

[Telephone poll] Multiple image reports

[Q] What a president for? He doesn't seem to affect in a slightest.

Feb 4 Thu

[Communication, Photo] Published a bunch of photos from Temrjuk in Summer of 2005.

[Progra, Telephone Poll] Multiple report images

[Q] How much to charge?

[Communication] Andrew Bor. came up late at evening saying: «Ivan, I dunno how to pronounce that.. but would you mind if I made curtseys with you? :)» And he lifted up myself on his shoulders and began doing those. It was so hilarious :)) I like it (he now keeps doing that).

Feb 3 Wed

[Troubleshooting] Notified a hardware guru at work who keeps an eye on all the computers, that if there is an old computer to trash away – I'd gladly take it home.

[Progra, Telephone Poll] Bring total calls & manual calls onto the GUI.

Feb 2 Tue

[Muxer2009] Organized a meeting with mr.Tar-cev and Andrew. Got a very clear plan for the next month.
Also found a good LJ guy who writes about DVB.

[Troubleshooting] Figured out price to fix my dead laptop. It's 1.2kRUR + mother board cost (which is about 3-4 grands) ~= 5 grands. So I should probably sell the laptop to disassemble it downto details and use in repairing a newer laptops. And myself a new laptop or PC or Steve Job's iPad.

[Links, Video Practice] My bro advised to look at this guy's videos. He exploits the very same photo camera, but in a completely different way, so that it look mu-u-u-uch better.

Feb 1 Mon

[Book, Esoteric] Norbekov's «Кузькина мать..» – 5 senses people are blind in comparison to people with the very same 5 senses + intuition + <read in the book>

[Travel] Came back from Krasnoyarsk after 10 day visit home.

January 2010: 15.1h ± 2.8h

Jan 31 Sun

[Photo] Took lots of shots of my kindergarten building and playing ground. Also of my school. They stand next to each other.

[Communication, Video Practice] Shot another piece of footage for his forthcoming China film. I retold on camera some stories we experienced in gorgeous beautiful country.

[Links, GreenHouse] Novaland – these guys build suburban villages here in Russia, Krasnoyarsk.

Jan 30 Sat

[Communication, Photo] We all togehter with my family went to professional photo-studio and Dmitry conducted his first photo session. It was quite hilarious and funny. I loved it.

[Links, GreenHouse]
Trainings to become an axe-master to build my own wooden house.
Downshifter guy. Programmer.

Jan 29 Fri

[Communication, Music, Fun] Went to a live symphonic orchestra. I loved luxurious interriour, well dressed people and most of all the band-master. He was quite hilarious jumping on the stage in front of musicians :)

[Soul Scream] Old boring people.

Jan 28 Thu

[Movie, Eng] «It's complicated» – cute.

[Links, GreenHouse] www.solarhome.ru – quite a selection of green ecological house components: energy generators, appliances, etc here in RUSSIA.

Jan 27 Wed

[Movie, GreenHouse, Eng] «Story of Stuff» – linear production line isn't appropriate on finite planet. Gotta wrap up that line into a closed cycle, so that there is no waste – old materials become a source to build new stuff!

[Movie, Health] Follower of prof. Zhdanov: alchohol & cigarettes destroy blood vessels due to gluening blood particles together & preventing cells from metabolism.

[GreenEE] Downloaded 16 pieces of Bedini's interview about his circuit.

[Educ, Book] «Объять необъятное» by Щетинин.

[Cooking] Peas soup with onion meatballs. Yummy :)

→ Clear goals & completion criteria!
→ Entertainment.

Jan 26 Tue

[Movie, Eng] → «Up in the air» – Weak chicken white collar worker; family and love on the side; relationships.
→ «MOROZ @SADKO2007»

[Mission] Logic plus intuition...

[Links, GreenHouse] EPEA employment;
Story of Stuff.

[Cooking] Huge delicious juicy ravioli. Including dough and meat preparation.

[Mission] Biz-idea: birthday date supplier.

Jan 25 Mon

[Communication, Video Practice] Shot my part (& one more) of Dmitry's coming up film about China.

[Cooking] Incredibly tasty and delicious pancakes. Yummy!

[Mission] Honest test.

Jan 24 Sun

[Communication, Health, Fun] Went to local nature secured area – Stolby. I've never ever saw such a track to go over there before. It's quite cool and I visited wonderful rocks called Chinese wall. Also after we returned to parking lot, I jumped into a snowdrift naked :) I felt quite shocked and then burning inside. It was pleasant.

[Communication] Visited Ivan Tim-ev's family. They're great family and I enjoyed staying around and reasoning with Ivan about everything. I also conducted intuition experiment – I asked their children to guess which hand holds a spoon behind my back and they gave me correct answers two times out of two. I wanna restore my intuition too!

[Movie] «Life's beautiful» – unexpected scenario, father desperately holding onto save his family in jewish jail, deep female love to a man.

Jan 23 Sat

[Communication] Wonderful time with Dmitry and kiting guys upon frozen icy Enisei river 100m close to Divnogorsk dam. Long nice conversation with grands. Tasty delicious food.

[GreenEE, Video] «Who killed electric car» – turns out there were a massive industrial scale production of electric cars in California in 1996. And they built the charging infrastructure on gas stations. General Motors Cars (GMC) called their car EV1 – Electric Vehicle 1. But due to some obscure reasons (oil companies, low battery charges, etc) those cars were mandatory pulled back to manufacturer and destroyed. However, they satisfied needs of average citizen who drives 60 miles a day with average velocity equal to 29km/hour. And longest way the car is able to go without recharging is 120miles.

Jan 22 Fri

[Communication, Mark Palchik] Participated in Mark Palchik's presentation of his program called «Business as a spiritual path»

[Communication] Talked to Dmitry about his life, his desire to change. He's cool dude.

Jan 21 Thu

[Educ, Progra, Video] Put 2 videos from Stanford Programming Methodology cources upon my lovely Zune.

[Communication, GreenEE] Talked long and thorough to an old mature woman about eco-communities about green houses.

Jan 20 Wed

[Muxer, NSU] Passed report to Zyubin. Suddenly, Andrew K. said I gotta work on tables instead of filters. It sounded strange, because recently he told me not to work on tables since it's completely simple piece of job and he's got it under control. Weird. I suppose mr.Tar-cev had a conversation with him.

[Video, YouTube] Saw ~7 interview with Evgenii Chichvarkin.

[Communication] 7 people congratulated me on 24th birthday.

Jan 19 Tue

[Muxer, Educ] Mathematical statistics: expected value, variation, digital filters.

[GreenEE] Wrote someone at EPEA to figure out if there is an internship program available.

Jan 18 Mon

[GreenEE, John Bedini] 3 phase mechanism: charging, leaving, charging.

[WhoAmI] +1

Jan 17 Sun

[Eng, Video] Subtitling Robert Spolsky

[WhoAmI] +2

Jan 16 Sat

[Video Practice] · Tribute to laptop clip
· Shot 3 interviews for the forthcoming February video. Yep, it's gonna be serious :)

[WhoAmI] +1

[Educ, MOROZ] Main topics

Jan 15 Fri

[Muxer] Wrote intro & beginning of the first chapter upto a state where the problem to be fixed by the job I do is completely clear.

[Planning, Links] dobrovolets.ru – foreign country volunteer campuses

[Communication] Mark Palchik – forthcoming alive presentation in Krsk on Jan 22nd.

Jan 14 Thu

[Educ, Book] · Norbekov → +3 whoami's;
· Digital Filters;

[Communication] We had rather long (1.5 hours) conversation with Vadim about green houses, volunteer foreign country campuses, green transportation.

Jan 13 Wed

[Educ, Book] · Fukuoku – The one straw revolution;

[Muxer] PLL articles

Jan 12 Tue

[Educ, TED] Robert Sapolsky: The uniqueness of humans: the main point of his talk to me is that the more impossible a task seems to be, the more desirable and likely it is to be accomplished.

[Educ, Book] · Yuri MOROZ: anti-MLM; · TRIZ;

[Movie] «Bronson»

Jan 11 Mon

[Communication] Negotiated prolonging of Vadim's stayover up to the next Monday.

[Communication] Met Alexey-dancer to copy him my raw video footage of the hustle competition work

[Software] Cool graphics vector editor: Inkscape

[Muxer] Talked to Andrew about time synchronization, PLL filter; painted 3 cool images in Inkscape.

[Movie, Eng] «Damage», «I love NY», «Dangerous Man», «Teenage Angst», «Comedy Club – NY release»

Jan 10 Sun

[Fun, Shameless] Had such a loony intimate experience at work, still doesn't believe I did it. But now I want even more.

[Eng, Video] Subtitling «Fight club»;

[Progra, Book] CORBA, shallow reading: pretty COM alike looking

[Communication] Talked with Vadim about: (1) Criminal-yoga guy, (2) P2P strongDC settings for wifi router, (3) «Nogano - Zastrahui» hilarious song (4) managed to finally get to sleep at 5am.

Jan 9 Sat

[Questions] Fomulated 2 more questions

[Eng, Video] Subtitling «Peaceful Warrior»

[Book, Educ, GreenEE] TRIZ

Jan 8 Fri

[Communication, People] Got all the stuff to sleep for Vadim

[Fun, Music, Video] Bobby McFerrin's «Live in Montreal» onto Zune along with ~20 performances from TED and Bedini engine schematics

[Progra, Muxer] PMT parsing

Jan 7 Thu

[Communication, People] Worked out Vadim's visit settlement at the dorm question

[Communication] Had this shindig with mature women and men from same university graduation year: majority of them work either as business owners or as freelancers. They're quite wise, experienced and very sweet people to talk to.

Jan 6 Wed

[Efficiency] Bought foamed-isolating-earplug: yo, it's so co-o-o-ol!

[Q] Finance or devotion to job...

Jan 5 Tue

[Jogging] I feel myself so much different jogging in a forest than in a city-like environment (even if there some trees around the way). It is warm/ quiet/ beautiful/ healing/ recharging my batteries kinda run.

[Book, GreenEE] Another book of TRIZ by Salamatov – a little less formal, more practical problems and brilliant solutions. I just enjoy reading it simultaneously getting sense of what technology is and how it is developed.

Jan 4 Mon

[Book, GreenEE] Bedini motor patent. First attempts to analyze what his engine is reveal that the design tries to eliminate drag-back effect, so that COP goes very closely upto 1.0. But he also claims, that it can be more than that without breaking physics laws. But I didn't get how exactly yet.

Jan 3 Sun

[Book, GreenEE] TRIZ

[Book, Esoteric] Carlos Castaneda. Wow, I'm loosing my mind reading this, and something's happening to my brain – I suddenly laugh or get scared/ sad. This book is definitely very deep, but I'm not sure I'm getting what he is trying to tell through those mystical stories.

[Eng, Movie] Subtitling «Chasing Amy» – like a hundren new words, damn, such a godsend discovery! :)

Jan 2 Sat

[Book, GreenEE] Read TRIZ book by Salamatov about art of innovations. There are some basic very simple rules to follow to save huge amount of time designing any mechanical/ electrical/ combined system to satisfy human needs.
    Every system has common patterns, common components, even common methods of inventing! I'm only started reading that book, but it seems so-o-o cool.

Jan 1 Fri

[Book, Efficiency] Tim FERRIS's “Four Hour Work Week” low-info presentation: basically what he says is to focus on a single task and eliminate any change to be distracted – emails, instant messages, notifications, office noise.
    Return emails only twice a day and only those ones which really require an answer to some questions. Also delegate permission to solve small problems to subordinates.
    And something from me: I totally share this way of concentrating on a single task, and noise is such a thief. That is why I personally use foamed-earplugs.

[Eng, Movie] Subtitling American Beauty. Most efficient way to learn english for me is to repeat characters' speeches on paper. It seems to be silly and not worth-practicing, but I get so much amazed how many words I find in a regular *silly* movie: from 20 upto 50 new sweet meaningful ones!

Ivan Yurlagin,