«Forever here»
Project description

Theodore is a simple ftp server based on rfc959. It can:

  • Interrupt operations

    In the RFC you can read the following snippet:

          In order to make FTP workable without needless error messages, the
          following minimum implementation is required for all servers:
    	 TYPE - ASCII Non-print
             MODE - Stream
             STRUCTURE - File, Record
             COMMAND - USER, QUIT, PORT,
                        TYPE, MODE, STRU,
                          for the default values
                        RETR, STOR,
          The default values for transfer parameters are:
             TYPE - ASCII Non-print
             MODE - Stream
             STRU - File
          All hosts must accept the above as the standard defaults.
  • Apr 30 - May 1 2007
  • TInterpreter::addRawCmd(), processCmd(): redesigned.
  • TDC::openFileRO(), openFileWO(), closeFile()
  • TDC::recvFileSnippet(), sendFileSnippet()
  • TInterpreter::stor(), retr()
  • Apr 29 2007
    First LIST success!

    Now Far ftp client is able to login and list current dir on my server! Opera also can. Mozilla and IE asks too much!

    #ifndef DC_H
    #define DC_H
    #include "theodore.h"
    class TDC
            enum Mode {
            } ;
            enum Stru {
            } ;
            enum Type {
            } ;
            bool   setPassive( bool p=true );
            bool   isPassive( ) const { return m_isPassive; }
            void   setMode( const TDC::Mode m )  { m_mode = m; }
            void   setStru( const TDC::Stru s )  { m_stru = s; }
            bool   setAddr( t::addr adr );
            string  getNextPasvAddr( );
            bool   open();
            void   close();
            bool   isOpened();
            bool   snd( const char *buf );
            Mode    m_mode;
            Stru    m_stru;
            Type    m_type;
            bool   m_isPassive;
            t::addr m_remoteAddr;
            t::addr m_localAddr;
            bool   m_opened;
            SOCKET  m_sockListen;
            SOCKET  m_sock;
            bool   accpt();
            bool   cnnct();
    } ;
    #endif // DC_H
    Apr 28 2007
    Further LIST format investigation

    Seems like directories have _finddata_t::attrib == 16 and files - 32. So, now let's make LIST formatted output.

  • static string listDotDir( );
  • list port( );
  • t::addr struct
            struct addr {
                    int m_ipOne, m_ipTwo, m_ipThree, m_ipFour;
                    int m_pOne, m_pTwo, m_port;
                    string m_ip;
    			addr(): m_ipOne( 0 ), m_ipTwo( 0 ),
    				m_ipThree( 0 ), m_ipFour( 0 ),
                                    m_pOne( 0 ), m_pTwo( 0 ),
                                    m_port( 0 ), m_ip( "" ) {  }
                    bool  setAddr( );
                    bool  setPort( );
                    static bool parseRawAddr( string s, t::addr *adr );
            } ;
  • Apr 27 2007
    LIST format investigation
  • TInterpreter::mode(): redesigned
  • TDC: data connection class

    Related stuff for LIST command:

    errno_t _access_s( 
       const char *path, 
       int mode 
    intptr_t _findfirst(
       const char *filespec,
       struct _finddata_t *fileinfo 
    int remove(
       const char *path 
    int _stat(
       const char *path,
       struct _stat *buffer 
    int _fstat( 
       int fd,
       struct _stat *buffer 
    long _filelength( 
       int fd 
    The _stat structure, defined in SYS\STAT.H, includes the following fields. 
    Numeric identifier of group that owns the file (UNIX-specific) This field
    will always be zero on Windows systems. A redirected file is classified as
    a Windows file.
    Time of last access of file. Valid on NTFS but not on FAT formatted disk drives.
    Time of creation of file. Valid on NTFS but not on FAT formatted disk drives.
    Drive number of the disk containing the file (same as st_rdev).
    Number of the information node (the inode) for the file (UNIX-specific). On UNIX
    file systems, the inode describes the file date and time stamps, permissions, and content.
    When files are hard-linked to one another, they share the same inode. The inode, and
    therefore st_ino, has no meaning in the FAT, HPFS, or NTFS file systems.
    Bit mask for file-mode information. The _S_IFDIR bit is set if path specifies a directory;
    the _S_IFREG bit is set if path specifies an ordinary file or a device. User read/write
    bits are set according to the file's permission mode; user execute bits are set according
    to the filename extension.
    Time of last modification of file.
    Always 1 on non-NTFS file systems.
    Drive number of the disk containing the file (same as st_dev).
    Size of the file in bytes; a 64-bit integer for variations with the i64 suffix.
    Numeric identifier of user who owns file (UNIX-specific). This field will always be zero on Windows
     systems. A redirected file is classified as a Windows file.
    If path refers to a device, the st_size, various time fields, st_dev, and st_rdev fields in the _stat
    structure are meaningless. Because STAT.H uses the _dev_t type that is defined in TYPES.H, you must
    include TYPES.H before STAT.H in your code.
    #include <io.h>
    _CRTIMP int __cdecl _findfirst (const char*, struct _finddata_t*);
    _CRTIMP int __cdecl _findnext (int, struct _finddata_t*);
    _CRTIMP int __cdecl _findclose (int);
    _CRTIMP int __cdecl _chdir (const char*);
    _CRTIMP char* __cdecl _getcwd (char*, int);
    _CRTIMP int __cdecl _mkdir (const char*);
    _CRTIMP char* __cdecl _mktemp (char*);
    _CRTIMP int __cdecl _rmdir (const char*);
    _CRTIMP int __cdecl _chmod (const char*, int);
    struct _finddata_t
    	unsigned	attrib;		/* Attributes, see constants above. */
    	time_t		time_create;
    	time_t		time_access;	/* always midnight local time */
    	time_t		time_write;
    	_fsize_t	size;
    	char		name[FILENAME_MAX];	/* may include spaces. */
    struct tm
    	int	tm_sec;		/* Seconds: 0-59 (K&R says 0-61?) */
    	int	tm_min;		/* Minutes: 0-59 */
    	int	tm_hour;	/* Hours since midnight: 0-23 */
    	int	tm_mday;	/* Day of the month: 1-31 */
    	int	tm_mon;		/* Months *since* january: 0-11 */
    	int	tm_year;	/* Years since 1900 */
    	int	tm_wday;	/* Days since Sunday (0-6) */
    	int	tm_yday;	/* Days since Jan. 1: 0-365 */
    	int	tm_isdst;	/* +1 Daylight Savings Time, 0 No DST,
    				 * -1 don't know */
    Routine  Required header  Optional headers  Compatibility  
    _stat, _stat32, _stat64, _stati64, _stat32i64, _stat64i32
      followed by 
     Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT 4.0, Windows
    2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003
    Function  Required header  Compatibility  
     Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium Edition, Windows NT 4.0, Windows
    2000, Windows XP Home Edition, Windows XP Professional, Windows Server 2003

    And know what actually ftp-servers (FileZilla) outputs on LIST or LIST -la:

    drwxr-xr-x 1 ftp ftp        0 Mmm hh:mm file name with spaces.ext<CRLF>
    -rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp        0 Mmm hh:mm directory<CRLF>

    I.e. file has rights -rw-r--r-- 1 ftp ftp and dir has drwxr-xr-x 1 ftp ftp.

    Then goes gap with minimum length of 8 <SP> and file size aligned right ( dirs have 0 bytes size ).

    Then creation time: Mmm dd hh:mm

    Then filename or dir.

    The question is: how to distinguish files from directories

  • Apr 26 2007
  • TInterpreter::work() -> processCmd(): redesigned
  • TInterpreter::addRawCmd(): redesigned
  • TInterpreter::State::m_isQuited, m_isAborted, m_isCmdCompleted: state of control connection
  • Apr 25 2007

    What does each command mean? They're all configure data connection parameters. I.e. which sequence of bytes ( and by the way what's the byte? ) represents a new line. How is file separated to pieces (record, page).


    NVT assumes <CRLF> as end of a line. EBCDIC consider <NL> as end of the line. IMAGE can include zero-padding at the end (of file or of each record).LOCAL must specify by second parameter size (in bits) of logical bytes.

    STRU's for: file-structure[(DEFAULT) actually no redundant symbols here to make structure :)], record-structure[is for text files like ASCII and EBCDIC], page-structure[the most interesting structure]. Each page has page-header in 4 logical bytes (sized by TYPE command): Header length(>=4), Page index, Data Length(>=0), Page type(0==Last page, 1==simple page, 2==Descriptor page, 3==Access Controlled Page. A page is a contiguous set of 512 words of 36 bits each.

    MODE's for Stream(DEFAULT), Block and Compressed. When stream is used, end of data connection indicates the end of file to be transmitted. For record type at Stream mode separator is:

    bit index: 15      87      0
    bit value:  1111111100000010 - EOF
    bit index: 15      87      0
    bit value:  1111111100000001 - EOR

    If byte of all ones (11111111) was intended to be transmitted as data (not part of EOF or EOR) it should be repeated!

    In BLOCK mode file is transmitted in series of blocks which are represented in following manner:

    Block Header
                | Descriptor     |    Byte Count                   |
                |         8 bits |                      16 bits    |
                Code     Meaning
                 128     End of data block is EOR
                  64     End of data block is EOF
                  32     Suspected errors in data block
                  16     Data block is a restart marker
             With this encoding, more than one descriptor coded condition
             may exist for a particular block.  As many bits as necessary
             may be flagged.

    If a marker was found in a block - all is fucked up. Send 110 MARK yyyy = mmmm, where yyyy is User-process data stream marker, and mmmm server's equivalent marker (note the spaces between markers and "="). But in first approach just response (try later... 4xx).

    Apr 24 2007


    #ifndef FS_H
    #define FS_H
    #include <direct.h>
    #include <errno.h>
    #include <string>
    #include <list>
    using namespace std;
    class TFS {
            enum Type {
            } ;
            struct Path {
                    bool  m_dValid;
                    bool  m_fValid;
                    string  m_path;
                    string  m_fName;
                    list<string> m_dirs;
                            Path(): m_dValid( true ), m_fValid( false ) { }
                            ~Path() { }
                    void  setDValid( bool v ) { m_dValid = v; }
                    void  setFValid( bool v ) { m_fValid = v; }
                    void  setFullPath( const string fp ) { m_path = fp; }
                    void  setFileName( const string fn ) { m_fName = fn; }
                    void  setDirList( const list<string> dl ) { m_dirs = dl; }
                    list<string>    getDirList( ) const { return m_dirs; }
                    string  getFileName( ) const { return m_fName; }
                    string  getFullPath() const { return m_path; }
                    bool  isDValid() const { return m_dValid; }
                    bool  isFValid() const { return m_fValid; }
            } ;
            static Path    parseRawPath( string str );
            static int     level( const Path path );
            static void    printPath( const Path path );
            static string  cutMilk( const string str );
            static bool    syntaxOk( const string path, TFS::Type type );
            static string  getFileName( const string fullPath );
            static list<string>    getDirList( const string mulDir );
    } ;
    #endif // FS_H
    Apr 23 2007


  • [+] t::TTransport::out(), t::TTransport::readCRLF(), t::TTransport::isBroken()
  • [+] t::resXXX
  • Apr 22 2007


  • [+] t::TSync
  • [+] TInterpreter::work()
  • [+] TInterpreter::addRawCmd()
  • [+] TInterpreter::setRes(), setNeedToRes(), getRes(), isNeedToRes(), mode()
  • [+] TInterpreter::m_csResp, m_csCmd
  • Apr 21 2007
    How to manage with abortion and to control in general operations
    int TConnection::work()
            string s;
            if( readCRLF( s ) )
                    std::string sOut;
                    printf( "\n%d bytes received: %s\n", s.length(), s.c_str() );
                    sOut = m_interpreter.performRawCmd( s );
                    send( m_socket, sOut.c_str(), sOut.length(), 0 );
            return 0;

    This is presented implementation at the moment of the TConnection::work() and first thing to discuss is how to manage with ABOR operation. If TInterpreter includes all operation-handlers and can perform one command at the same time? Ok we can save all retrieved commands to list. Every time we are inside performRawCmd() we add new command to list.

    So, all commands received by TConnection are in list. How do we manage with them? It's necessary to have ability to abort currently performing operation if ABOR received. And in general some operations are supposed to be controlled by another ones. So it's absolutely necessary to make possible currently performing commands to hear new arrived ones.

    However, if we receive operation that is not connected with currently peforming it should be rejected. We are simple - right? Wanna download two files simultaneously? Open new connection, sir.

    Each operation given to TInterpreter is atomic. This means TConnection isn't to perceive any operation except ABORT or QUIT. TConnection is to take new operation only if TInterpreter::Completed is set. If TInterpreter::Pending is set only ABORT and QUIT could be applied. When TInterpreter::SemiCompleted, TConnection is supposed to make response from TInterpreter::code, TInterpreter::ParString.

    Now make this:

  • TInterpreter::CS
  • TConnection::work() - handle states of the interpreter
  • later: make handlers inside TInterpreter like MKD, CWD, PWD, CDUP, CD, USER, PASS, SYST, PORT, PASV, REST, LIST

    What really build today:

  • [*] readCRLF(): inner variables are all now inside - don't more use class-members.
  • [+] t::Res, t::ResCategory
  • [+] t::Cmd TInterpreter::parseRawCmd( const string &rawCmd )
  • [+] t::MnemCode TInterpreter::getMnemCode( const string &str )
  • [+] list<t::Res> unkn( ); abor( ); quit( ); user( ); pass( ); syst(); noop();
  • Apr 20 2007
  • readCRLF procedure
  • TInterpreter - сделать свой таймер, обновляющийся после любой активности с той стороны. Если таймер заходит за 4 минуты - закрываем соединение.
  • Apr 17 2007
  • KThread, TConnection, TListener implementations
  • TListener, TConnection theory
  • Apr 16 2007
  • namespace theodore
  • enum FtpMnem
  • struct FtpCmd
  • class TPI
  • class Main
  • Apr 15 2007

    Here is typical ftp scenario accoringly to the RFC:

          ftp (host) multics<CR>         Connect to host S, port L,
                                         establishing control connections.
                                         <---- 220 Service ready <CRLF>.
          username Doe <CR>              USER Doe<CRLF>---->
                                         <---- 331 User name ok,
                                                   need password<CRLF>.
          password mumble <CR>           PASS mumble<CRLF>---->
                                         <---- 230 User logged in<CRLF>.
          retrieve (local type) ASCII<CR>
          (local pathname) test 1 <CR>   User-FTP opens local file in ASCII.
          (for. pathname) test.pl1<CR>   RETR test.pl1<CRLF> ---->
                                         <---- 150 File status okay;
                                               about to open data
                                         Server makes data connection
                                         to port U.
                                         <---- 226 Closing data connection,
                                             file transfer successful<CRLF>.
          type Image<CR>                 TYPE I<CRLF> ---->
                                         <---- 200 Command OK<CRLF>
          store (local type) image<CR>
          (local pathname) file dump<CR> User-FTP opens local file in Image.
          (for.pathname) >udd>cn>fd<CR>  STOR >udd>cn>fd<CRLF> ---->
                                         <---- 550 Access denied<CRLF>
          terminate                      QUIT <CRLF> ---->
                                         Server closes all

    Login state diagram

    The most complicated diagram is for the Login sequence:
          +---+   USER    +---+------------->+---+
          | B |---------->| W | 2       ---->| E |
          +---+           +---+------  |  -->+---+
                           | |       | | |
                         3 | | 4,5   | | |
             --------------   -----  | | |
            |                      | | | |
            |                      | | | |
            |                 ---------  |
            |               1|     | |   |
            V                |     | |   |
          +---+   PASS    +---+ 2  |  ------>+---+
          |   |---------->| W |------------->| S |
          +---+           +---+   ---------->+---+
                           | |   | |     |
                         3 | |4,5| |     |
             --------------   --------   |
            |                    | |  |  |
            |                    | |  |  |
            |                 -----------
            |             1,3|   | |  |
            V                |  2| |  |
          +---+   ACCT    +---+--  |   ----->+---+
          |   |---------->| W | 4,5 -------->| F |
          +---+           +---+------------->+---+

    Command-reply interchange

       Finally, we present a generalized diagram that could be used to model
       the command and reply interchange:
                  |                                    |
          Begin   |                                    |
            |     V                                    |
            |   +---+  cmd   +---+ 2         +---+     |
             -->|   |------->|   |---------->|   |     |
                |   |        | W |           | S |-----|
             -->|   |     -->|   |-----      |   |     |
            |   +---+    |   +---+ 4,5 |     +---+     |
            |     |      |    | |      |               |
            |     |      |   1| |3     |     +---+     |
            |     |      |    | |      |     |   |     |
            |     |       ----  |       ---->| F |-----
            |     |             |            |   |
            |     |             |            +---+

    Data connection There are basic points:

  • Default port for data connection is L-1 i.e. as L=21 then L-1=20
  • On passive mode server initiates data transmission to mentioned port. Client sends confirmation replies. When transmission is finished (or server received ABORT, or PORT, or connection closed remotely) server closes the connection

  • Apr 15 2007
    Further analysis of the Protocol

    DTP - is Data Transfer Process. PI - is Protocol Interpreter.

                                                ||   User  ||    --------
                                                ||Interface|<--->| User |
                                                |\----^----/|    --------
                      ----------                |     |     |
                      |/------\|  FTP Commands  |/----V----\|
                      ||Server|<---------------->|   User  ||
                      ||  PI  ||   FTP Replies  ||    PI   ||
                      |\--^---/|                |\----^----/|
                      |   |    |                |     |     |
          --------    |/--V---\|      Data      |/----V----\|    --------
          | File |<--->|Server|<---------------->|  User   |<--->| File |
          |System|    || DTP  ||   Connection   ||   DTP   ||    |System|
          --------    |\------/|                |\---------/|    --------
                      ----------                -------------
                      Server-FTP                   USER-FTP
          NOTES: 1. The data connection may be used in either direction.
                 2. The data connection need not exist all of the time.
                          Figure 1  Model for FTP Use

    Ftp-session could be separated to 3 phases:

  • Authenfication
    	    USER <SP> <username> <CRLF> (230, 530, 500, 501, 421, 331, 332)
    	            The argument field is a Telnet string identifying the user.
    	            The user identification is that which is required by the
            	    server for access to its file system.  This command will
    	            normally be the first command transmitted by the user after
    	            the control connections are made (some servers may require
    	            this).  Additional identification information in the form of
    	            a password and/or an account command may also be required by
    	            some servers.  Servers may allow a new USER command to be
    	            entered at any point in order to change the access control
    	            and/or accounting information.  This has the effect of
    	            flushing any user, password, and account information already
    	            supplied and beginning the login sequence again.  All
    	            transfer parameters are unchanged and any file transfer in
    	            progress is completed under the old access control
    	    PASS <SP> <password> <CRLF> (230 , 202, 530, 500, 501, 503, 421, 332)
    	            The argument field is a Telnet string specifying the user's
    	            password.  This command must be immediately preceded by the
    	            user name command, and, for some sites, completes the user's
    	            identification for access control.  Since password
    	            information is quite sensitive, it is desirable in general
    	            to "mask" it or suppress typeout.  It appears that the
    	            server has no foolproof way to achieve this.  It is
    	            therefore the responsibility of the user-FTP process to hide
    	            the sensitive password information.
    	    SYST <CRLF> (215, 500, 501, 502, 421)
    	            This command is used to find out the type of operating
    	            system at the server.  The reply shall have as its first
    	            word one of the system names listed in the current version
    	            of the Assigned Numbers document [4].
  • Send-Receive operations
    	    CWD  <SP> <pathname> <CRLF> (250, 500, 501, 502, 421, 530, 550)
    	            This command allows the user to work with a different
    	            directory or dataset for file storage or retrieval without
    	            altering his login or accounting information.  Transfer
    	            parameters are similarly unchanged.  The argument is a
    	            pathname specifying a directory or other system dependent
    	            file group designator.
    	    CDUP <CRLF> (200, 500, 501, 502, 421, 530, 550)
    	            This command is a special case of CWD, and is included to
    	            simplify the implementation of programs for transferring
    	            directory trees between operating systems having different
    	    PORT <SP> <host-port> <CRLF> (200, 500, 501, 421, 530)
    	            The argument is a HOST-PORT specification for the data port
    	            to be used in data connection.  There are defaults for both
    	            the user and server data ports, and under normal
    	            circumstances this command and its reply are not needed.  If
    	            this command is used, the argument is the concatenation of a
    	            32-bit internet host address and a 16-bit TCP port address.
    	            This address information is broken into 8-bit fields and the
    	            value of each field is transmitted as a decimal number (in
    	            character string representation).  The fields are separated
    	            by commas.  A port command would be:
            	       PORT h1,h2,h3,h4,p1,p2
    	            where h1 is the high order 8 bits of the internet host
    	    PASV <CRLF> (227, 500, 501, 502, 421, 530)
    	            This command requests the server-DTP to "listen" on a data
    	            port (which is not its default data port) and to wait for a
    	            connection rather than initiate one upon receipt of a
    	            transfer command.  The response to this command includes the
    	            host and port address this server is listening on.
    	    TYPE <SP> <type-code> <CRLF> (200, 500, 501, 504, 421, 530)
    	            The argument specifies the representation type as described
    	            in the Section on Data Representation and Storage.  Several
    	            types take a second parameter.  The first parameter is
    	            denoted by a single Telnet character, as is the second
    	            Format parameter for ASCII and EBCDIC; the second parameter
    	            for local byte is a decimal integer to indicate Bytesize.
    	            The parameters are separated by a  (Space, ASCII code
    	            The following codes are assigned for type:
    	                         \    /
    	               A - ASCII |    | N - Non-print
    	                         |-><-| T - Telnet format effectors
    	               E - EBCDIC|    | C - Carriage Control (ASA)
    	                         /    \
    	               I - Image
    	               L  - Local byte Byte size
    	            The default representation type is ASCII Non-print.  If the
    	            Format parameter is changed, and later just the first
    	            argument is changed, Format then returns to the Non-print
    	    STRU <SP> <structure-code> <CRLF> (200, 500, 501, 504, 421, 530)
    	            The argument is a single Telnet character code specifying
    	            file structure described in the Section on Data
    	            Representation and Storage.
    	            The following codes are assigned for structure:
    	               F - File (no record structure)
    	               R - Record structure
    	               P - Page structure
    		    The default structure is File.
    	    MODE <SP> <mode-code> <CRLF> (200, 500, 501, 504, 421, 530)
    	            The argument is a single Telnet character code specifying
    	            the data transfer modes described in the Section on
    	            Transmission Modes.
    	            The following codes are assigned for transfer modes:
    	               S - Stream
    	               B - Block
    	               C - Compressed
    	            The default transfer mode is Stream.
    	    RETR <SP> <pathname> <CRLF> (125, 150, (110), 226, 250, 425, 426, 451, 450, 550, 500, 501, 421, 530)
    	            This command causes the server-DTP to transfer a copy of the
    	            file, specified in the pathname, to the server- or user-DTP
    	            at the other end of the data connection.  The status and
    		    contents of the file at the server site shall be unaffected.
    	    STOR <SP> <pathname> <CRLF> (125, 150, (110), 226, 250, 425, 426, 451, 551, 552, 532, 450, 452, 553, 500, 501, 421, 530)
    	            This command causes the server-DTP to accept the data
    	            transferred via the data connection and to store the data as
    	            a file at the server site.  If the file specified in the
    	            pathname exists at the server site, then its contents shall
    	            be replaced by the data being transferred.  A new file is
    	            created at the server site if the file specified in the
    		    pathname does not already exist.
    	    APPE <SP> <pathname> <CRLF> (125, 150, (110), 226, 250, 425, 426, 451, 551, 552, 532, 450, 550, 452, 553, 500, 501, 502, 421, 530)
    	            This command causes the server-DTP to accept the data
    	            transferred via the data connection and to store the data in
    	            a file at the server site.  If the file specified in the
    	            pathname exists at the server site, then the data shall be
    	            appended to that file; otherwise the file specified in the
    	            pathname shall be created at the server site.
    	    ABOR <CRLF> (225, 226, 500, 501, 502, 421)
    	            This command tells the server to abort the previous FTP
    	            service command and any associated transfer of data.  The
    	            abort command may require "special action", as discussed in
    	            the Section on FTP Commands, to force recognition by the
    	            server.  No action is to be taken if the previous command
    	            has been completed (including data transfer).  The control
    	            connection is not to be closed by the server, but the data
    	            connection must be closed.
    	            There are two cases for the server upon receipt of this
    	            command: (1) the FTP service command was already completed,
    		    or (2) the FTP service command is still in progress.
    		       In the first case, the server closes the data connection
    	               (if it is open) and responds with a 226 reply, indicating
    	               that the abort command was successfully processed.
    	               In the second case, the server aborts the FTP service in
    	               progress and closes the data connection, returning a 426
    	               reply to indicate that the service request terminated
    	               abnormally.  The server then sends a 226 reply,
    	               indicating that the abort command was successfully
    	    MKD  <SP> <pathname> <CRLF> (257, 500, 501, 502, 421, 530, 550)
    	            This command causes the directory specified in the pathname
    	            to be created as a directory (if the pathname is absolute)
    	            or as a subdirectory of the current working directory (if
    	            the pathname is relative).  See Appendix II.
    	    PWD  <CRLF> (257, 500, 501, 502, 421, 550)
    	            This command causes the name of the current working
    		    directory to be returned in the reply.  See Appendix II.
    	    LIST [<SP> <pathname>] <CRLF> (125, 150, 226, 250, 425, 426, 451, 450, 500, 501, 502, 421, 530)
    	            This command causes a list to be sent from the server to the
    	            passive DTP.  If the pathname specifies a directory or other
    	            group of files, the server should transfer a list of files
    	            in the specified directory.  If the pathname specifies a
    	            file then the server should send current information on the
    	            file.  A null argument implies the user's current working or
    	            default directory.  The data transfer is over the data
    	            connection in type ASCII or type EBCDIC.  (The user must
    	            ensure that the TYPE is appropriately ASCII or EBCDIC).
    	            Since the information on a file may vary widely from system
    	            to system, this information may be hard to use automatically
    	            in a program, but may be quite useful to a human user.
    	    NOOP <CRLF> (200, 500, 421)
    	            This command does not affect any parameters or previously
    	            entered commands. It specifies no action other than that the
    	            server send an OK reply.
  • Saying goodbye
    	    QUIT <CRLF> (221, 500)
    	            This command terminates a USER and if file transfer is not
    	            in progress, the server closes the control connection.  If
    	            file transfer is in progress, the connection will remain
    	            open for result response and the server will then close it.
    	            If the user-process is transferring files for several USERs
    	            but does not wish to close and then reopen connections for
    	            each, then the REIN command should be used instead of QUIT.
    	            An unexpected close on the control connection will cause the
    	            server to take the effective action of an abort (ABOR) and a
    	            logout (QUIT).


    • Preliminary succeed
    • Absolute success
    • Accepted but more info is needed
    • Try later..
    • Don't even think about

    Positive Preliminary Reply: The requested action is being initiated; expect another reply before proceeding with a new command. (The user-process sending another command before the completion reply would be in violation of protocol; but server-FTP processes should queue any commands that arrive while a preceding command is in progress.) This type of reply can be used to indicate that the command was accepted and the user-process may now pay attention to the data connections, for implementations where simultaneous monitoring is difficult. The server-FTP process may send at most, one 1yz reply per command

             110 Restart marker reply.
    	             In this case, the text is exact and not left to the
    	             particular implementation; it must read:
    	                  MARK yyyy = mmmm
    	             Where yyyy is User-process data stream marker, and mmmm
    	             server's equivalent marker (note the spaces between markers
    		     and "=").
             120 Service ready in nnn minutes.
             125 Data connection already open; transfer starting.
             150 File status okay; about to open data connection.

    Positive Completion Reply: The requested action has been successfully completed. A new request may be initiated.

    	 200 Command okay.
             202 Command not implemented, superfluous at this site.
             211 System status, or system help reply.
             212 Directory status.
             213 File status.
             214 Help message.
                 On how to use the server or the meaning of a particular
                 non-standard command.  This reply is useful only to the
                 human user.
             215 NAME system type.
                 Where NAME is an official system name from the list in the
                 Assigned Numbers document.
             220 Service ready for new user.
             221 Service closing control connection.
                 Logged out if appropriate.
             225 Data connection open; no transfer in progress.
             226 Closing data connection.
                 Requested file action successful (for example, file
                 transfer or file abort).
             227 Entering Passive Mode (h1,h2,h3,h4,p1,p2).
             230 User logged in, proceed.
             250 Requested file action okay, completed.
             257 "PATHNAME" created.

    Positive Intermediate reply: The command has been accepted, but the requested action is being held in abeyance, pending receipt of further information. The user should send another command specifying this information. This reply is used in command sequence groups.

             331 User name okay, need password.
             332 Need account for login.
             350 Requested file action pending further information.

    Transient Negative Completion reply: The command was not accepted and the requested action did not take place, but the error condition is temporary and the action may be requested again. The user should return to the beginning of the command sequence, if any. It is difficult to assign a meaning to "transient", particularly when two distinct sites (Server- and User-processes) have to agree on the interpretation. Each reply in the 4yz category might have a slightly different time value, but the intent is that the user-process is encouraged to try again. A rule of thumb in determining if a reply fits into the 4yz or the 5yz (Permanent Negative) category is that replies are 4yz if the commands can be repeated without any change in command form or in properties of the User or Server (e.g., the command is spelled the same with the same arguments used; the user does not change his file access or user name; the server does not put up a new implementation.)

    	 421 Service not available, closing control connection.
                 This may be a reply to any command if the service knows it
                 must shut down.
             425 Can't open data connection.
             426 Connection closed; transfer aborted.
             450 Requested file action not taken.
                 File unavailable (e.g., file busy).
             451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing.
             452 Requested action not taken.
                 Insufficient storage space in system.

    Permanent Negative Completion reply: The command was not accepted and the requested action did not take place. The User-process is discouraged from repeating the exact request (in the same sequence). Even some "permanent" error conditions can be corrected, so the human user may want to direct his User-process to reinitiate the command sequence by direct action at some point in the future (e.g., after the spelling has been changed, or the user has altered his directory status.)

             500 Syntax error, command unrecognized.
                 This may include errors such as command line too long.
             501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.
             502 Command not implemented.
             503 Bad sequence of commands.
             504 Command not implemented for that parameter.
             530 Not logged in.
             532 Need account for storing files.
             550 Requested action not taken.
                 File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access).
             551 Requested action aborted: page type unknown.
             552 Requested file action aborted.
                 Exceeded storage allocation (for current directory or
             553 Requested action not taken.
                 File name not allowed.
  • Ivan Yurlagin,