ResearchBlogGreen Energy

Aim of this branch is just to express myself. To write down my thought motion. To make it easier to remember anything if I need it in future. Your comments are very welcome.

May 26 2010
Efficient deception model


May 24 2010
An experiment to conduct in future

It would be really awesome to conduct an experiment to gather some actual data on the following. Given a choice of doing A or B in order to get yourself some pleasure, in circumstances, where they both gain about the same amount of pleasure, BUT, A cost less effort and may be not healthy to your body (cigarettes, narcotics, fat icecream cake, et cetera), and B cost relatively a lot of effort but it's completely harmless, in fact, it is wholesome (jogging, swimming, riding a bike, you name it), what would you prefer.

Wanna do that without people knowing they're being watched in order reflect the reality in a precise way.

Relevant piece of footage from “Interstate #60”

Feb 26 2010
Emotional acceleration

Bored/ excited/ calm/ inspired/ are all fairly easy to manage and to be in emotional states. However, to deliberately consciously pass on from one to another isn't always such a piece a cake business. All of them correspond to a certain velocity being compared to mechanical object. And to change that velocity one has to make an effort accelerating or decelerating the object. That's what I call emotional acceleration.

Dec 29 2009

Studying is formulating questions and finding answers for them.

Therefore, no information has to be before question is formulated. Otherwise it is mental slavery.

Jan 12 2009
Scientific approach

One trait I can not accept about doing science (the way it traditionally led in my institute) is I'm supposed to develop something totally new (innovational, noval, pioneer) already knowing HOW TO DO IT.

But new invention can not be done exploiting standard pattern/ technique or 10-steps scheme of success. I've to let something entirely new inside me without discussion if it is bad/ good/ pointless or anything already known.

That's more likely to be studying.

Jun 1 2008
A calendar

The task is to design an organizer which is a calendar with business to be done by the day it is written on. It must be easy to find the current day. It must be easy to figure out whether some job is done or not.

May 30 2008
Emotional lady-calm gentleman relationship

I guess I've found one more demonstration of a basic social law: to be successful (living with people) you have to know how to sell yourself. And sell as expensive as possible.

Concrete example this time is about certain type of boys&girls relationship when the lady is completely emotional (even if it is not appropriate sometimes) and the boy is totally calm. He just can't afford himself to show his emotions because otherwise he wouldn't be as successful as he is. Emotional control is a significant part of his success.

So, he needs a girl who demonstrates her thoughts and feelings quite expressive and emotional. He buys this favour. And she (as long as she doesn't have such success as the boy does) needs some advantages (money, fancy clothes, decoration, another luxury). So, she buys that by selling her emotional behaviour. It is barely a business though might look like love.

Apr 04 2008
Multiple language support
Eng Rus

Paragraph text. Paragraph text. Paragraph text. Paragraph text. Paragraph text. Paragraph text. Paragraph text. Paragraph text. Paragraph text. Paragraph text. Paragraph text.

Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text. Second paragraph text.

Feb 24 2008
HTML testicals: LABEL

Some not related to the text field text

However, LABEL tag can't be applied to the A tag. For instance, next is «connected» to the next anchor by the same LABEL tag. See, you click on that word, but it doesn't produce any action. One more interesting point is that there can be many words pointing to the same field. For example here is one more connected to the same text input field.

Feb 09 2008
Bicycle note

There are several really important things to be done in bicycle performance no matter how long or hard it is going to be.

First one is water — water is so goddamn desirable and needed in bicycle physical excersize. It is much easier to get your resources and energy back when you are done with the bicycle. It is even way easier to wake up next morning if you had a bottle of plain water (better with a lump of lemon though).

Second thing is the seat height — set the height completely right for you. It'll save you lots of energy and muscles and pain.

The last third thing is that you should feel your bicycle as your own body. Cause bicycle is not something like jogging where you are only responsible for the body and how it works. You are responsible for the body AND FOR THE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN BICYCLE AND THE BODY. It is hard to overestimate the importance of that shit.

Jan 20 2008

Some Internet web-servers (in fact all of famous and huge ones) place their lists of accessible and not so much accessible filenames into root directory in file called robots.txt. It was such a nice discovery for myself! Just try some of 'em:

For example, the Yandex™ offers you a Zen-search, or latest 20 requests, or even statistics sorted by city, keyword, month and so on. It was really amazing to figure out my mother city has the largest frequency on demands at Yandex™: the city is 4 times more active at the server! I'm amazed!

So, I'm going to try it at every server I usually attend in order to find some interesting nice stuff I have never known before :).

Jan 10 2008
Desktop agenda

I found a very efficient way of organizing my desktop to place there a todo-list.

All this began when I recalled that I can use an html-page as a background for my desktop. So I can put barely everything I want to upon my desktop without painting or hacking Photoshop™. To me putting an agenda is very usefull because I watch it through all the day.

I also split these tasks accordingly to the ABC-system which says that tasks are to be divided into three categories: A, B, C.

Now, you can look at my example of html-based desktop.

Jan 10 2008
Hiding entry bodies

I want entries to be hidden. Or opened dependent on user. It is user set property of an entry. The question is whether I want this option to be applied to all the entries at a moment or each entry should be opened or closed due to individual click?

Well of course I wanna hide 'em all by one click cause generally I wanted this option in lack of ordering. There is a total chaos in here. So there should definitely option to hide 'em all by one click. But the question is how to do that. I already tried identical id attribute of the div-tag. So I'm in search of a way to implement the option.

Keywords here are: div, id, name, display, visiblity, javascript.

Dec 14 2007
Public speech performance

Today I've seen a lot of people making their public presentations of scientific research works. And I've noticed some prominent peculiarities of behaviour and it's affect on success: how the audience perceives the material, how much information does the speaker tells.

The main idea of public performance is to be open to the audience. Otherwise, if you try to follow some prepared scheme strictly — try to remember some awesome prepared words or try to remember some numbers — you will definitely fail because your head is occupied by that shit.

Just try to relax your body. To relax your brains. To relax your tongue. And have fun.

Dec 13 2007
Choosing tags

As it was mentioned in the previous post, tags serve as coordinates in space of my interests. Some posts reflect mixed subjects consisted of many connected topics. Another posts are undivideable. First type of posts I mark with a set of tags, and the second one is single-tagged.

But as I grow older and older, some tags becomes divideable to a smaller ones. What should I do in these cases? I can add new ones and use 'em instead of divided one. Can use 'em simultaneously. Can leave the situation like it was before realizing the fact.

Since I want my post to be associated with my interests as accurately as it possible — I choose to add smaller divisors for a bigger tags as they come to my mind. And use more accurate divisors (tags) in cases when I'm quite sure where the post is situated.

Dec 4 2007
HTML + Javascript = tags technique?

For me tags technique is dividing all the content (I post on my web–site) by names, called tags. Some posts can be tagged by several tags simultaneously. Some tags are single–tagged. But there is no post without a tag.

Have been wondering about that for almost year: how to implement tags technique using only HTML and Javascript?

Dec 4 2007
Complexity of desktop–application GUI

I think desktop–application GUI is much harder to design. Let me deliver some thoughts.

First of all, usually I write GUI that takes about one fourth of my desktop area. And it is much more difficult to put all the functionality inside a smaller area. For example, if you take web–design, usually you use all the screen area so it's like four times more place.

Secondly, when you write a desktop–GUI you deal with some graphical library using some programming language, that was rather written for producing algorithms than for GUI. Again, if you deal with HTML or some another markup–language, you think only about GUI, not about the language, cause it's much easier and isn't overloaded by some heavy stuff providing to design an operating system.

Finally, let me compare this two kinds of GUI with certain hardware devices that provide some definite functionality (like vacuum cleaner, teakettle or laundry washer) and computer that can, after some patches, perform that functionality somehow, not as good as those specific hardware devices do, I guess :). IMHO, in this comparison computer is desktop–GUI and hardware device is web–design.

Nov 30 2007
Component Object Model outline

The meaning is to use objects (written in some language) from a binary library not from a source code. So you can even use the object in different language environment than is was written in.

Every class that could be used further in COM technology must support IUnknown interface.

Nov 25 2007
«Fast food nation» movie

Why am I writing about this particular movie? I think you've noted that this is not a movie section of the site. Yeah, I can't place this picture there. But however I've got something to discuss.

First of all I was like those people in the movie last summer though it wasn't bad and unhappy. And also I worked at much more clean work too. So the first reason why am I writing about the movie is because I had a similar experience.

Secondly, I was always wondering about how the meat for the burgers is made. And there is a full description of the process in the movie.

Thirdly, I saw the Avril Lavinge which I used to listen a lot. And never saw her in movies. She is pretty similar to that image which her songs produce in my mind.

Fourthly, there are a lot of speaking on English, so the movie could be recommended as an educational stuff.

The only thing I don't completely like about the movie is that workers feel themselves as victims. But if you think about yourself as of victim you get yourself becoming a victim. Want a better life? Think about ways to achieve it. Visualize 'em. And it will happen for 100% if you really want it. That is why the movie isn't in the movies top list.

A dialog about the quality of burger meat

Here is a dialog between Don (the member of Mickey's fast food restaurants) and Harry working in another restaurant that uses the meat tha Don's company produces and uses in their burgers.

Nov 23 2007

Parents conceal their wishfull behavoir from their own children (drinking hot drinks).

Black–black town, black–black house, black–black people, black–black mood.

Whiter than white clothes (father wears all day long a shirt and trousers; mother wears a long dress without any sexual peculiarities; they even sleep in these clothes).

Father is cold and rude. Mother is totally sensitive and almost doesn't use her brains.

Mark is very strong guy, and the father, Alex, is weak.

My summary

Vera got married with Alex. Then they didn't get along. Vera died because of abortion which she had because of Alex's strong recommendation (the baby was foreign). Very sad.

She began cheating on Alex because «he loved 'em all for his own pleasure». I do not understand this statement. Everybody does everything for one's own. Why did she make a family with that guy if he was so inappropriate for her?

The guy will be fine, I'm sure.

Nov 12 2007
Distinction between programming and physics

At first, let's think about similarities:

So, programming and physics seem to be very similar. What's the distinction?

The end product (*) of programming is computer software (CS). End product of physics is an innovation technology (InT) (for example, personal computer). Now I'm begging your attention: Period between some technique in programming was created and new CS is written is goddamn less that a period between a scientific theory created and an InT is made.

Thus here is the choice what to do. If you dream of making a lot of things that could be used in real life you choose programming. Otherwise you choose making physics that probably will someday bring a new exciting scientific theory, that probably will be transformed then into an InT.

As for me I choose programming, but it's also quite exciting sometimes to read some physical articles cause it's interesting.

Nov 8 2007

A convenient way to listen a movie

Let's imagine you don't have time or you don't wanna watch video set of a movie (probably you saw that movie so many times that it's not still wishfull for you to watch the video). First thing you do is cutting an audio track (using mplayer or whatever) to an audio file (the size for mp3 file is gonna be like 1 Mb/min * 90 min = 90Mb). Secondly, you put that digest to your audio player, of course, if you own one.

I'm studying language permanently, so I can do that as well during a walk to an institute I study at or during some work requiring not extreme brain performance.

Microsot IE rocks as it always does

You won't make it display a picture having width W and height H placed into some table tag or div tag without a bottom indention from the picture. Like picture owns the height equal to H + 5 pixels. You can apply any paternoster you know. Nothing helps.

The solution is putting br tag right after the img tag. You won't believe but that indention disappears! (BTW, Opera and Mozilla don't display that fucking indention with br tag or without it. That was two hours of empiric work.

Once again, put br tag right after the img tag:

<img src="pic.jpg"><br>
if you don't wanna have an indentation below the picture inside the div tag.

The only way to change picture source

document.images['picture_name_or_id_name'].src = path_in_single_quotation_marks;

Oct 31 2007
Investigating your camera linear range

I wanna demonstrate you one of the possible ways to perform the checking of linear range of your digital camera which I apply in my diploma work.

Oct 24 2007
[c#] Artem

Artem is a program that allows you to manage your pictures. You can:

Artem is gonna support some popular digital image formats like jpg, bmp and gif.

Scheme (32K)

Markup (14K)

Oct 20 2007
Feel your blind spot

To make sure that you have your blind spot in the eye you can do the following: look at the white plus, close your left eye and move your head forward and backward until the white circle is gone ;) That's so goddamn amazing!

via Vishvjit S. Nalva (AT&T Bell Laboratories) «A GUIDED TOUR OF COMPUTER VISION»

Oct 10 2007
[pidea] Word analyzer - Semern

Everyone has one's own way to express oneself using special words. Everyone has some certain interests. That's why the one uses appropriate words in one's journal or just in an article. My idea is quite simple: mark out the most frequent words in any given plan text document (or html-like documents).

For instance, you give 10 megabyte plain text file and want Semern to mark out only 20 the most frequent words from it.

Open / Hide ...
Oct 5 2007
[c#] Delegate + event construction

Delegate class serves as an function which is to be defined at runtime. So we need some objects on which we are gonna work and some different actions (functions) that we can perform.

Open / Hide ...

Ivan Yurlagin,