[STRATEGY] 1) Do I have to make my country sociable and liveable? And if yes -- why? [STRATEGY] 2) If not -- how am I going to get to America. And when? And what exactly am I going to do for a living? [STRATEGY] 3) What I do this year? [STRATEGY] 4) What I do the following year? [STRATEGY] 5) Which results am I going to achieve this year and next year? [STRATEGY] 6) How much hours do I have to sleep each day? [STRATEGY] 7) Should I spend time easily or working hard? What's the holiday for me? [STRATEGY] 8) What information should I deny to learn and which one to accept learning? [STRATEGY] 9) Should I count money, push-ups, courteys, press each month? [STRATEGY] 10) Who am I without a job I do? [STRATEGY] 11) Which house I wanna have? [STRATEGY] 12) Where I wanna live? -- [English] What is the difference between Participile and Gerund? ========================================================================== ++ [Work] Where am I gonna work for a living at summer? (White- or blue- collar work? Concrete job? May be I should repass the OOAD course what will help me to find some job in summer. ) (SoftLab+, SWSoft, Technologika, Shlumberger[-]) ++ [Conf] What do I pursuit from the conference? (Real advices. I'm not gonna deny any.) ++ [Live] Where am I gonna live at summer? (Dometry? Rent appartments? I asked Antony, he said he'll tell me closer to the summer. Dmity Alexandr) ++ [Diploma] How am I gonna write a nice diploma report? (By trying to communicate and explain the problem thouroughly.) ++ [Get home] PHEX or FOOD? (SIMULTANEOUSLY!) ++ [SOFTWARE] What is the most frequently used software of you? ++ [Magistracy] Am I going to proceed working at the Irina Georgievna laboratory? No, I'm definitely not going to work for her any longer. She isn't appropriate kind of scientific chief for me. During all the work I've done I have not acquired a bit of suitable knowledge for myself from her. It means that if I didn't work for her I would acquire the knowledge I've acquired at least at the same rate but it's very possible that the rate would be better (faster). So, I'ma change the chief.