MissionBlogReflexionSoul ScreamThoughts

To formulate questions which I've ever faced in my life (and for some reason placed here).


-- How logical thinking's different from intuitive? What are their bases? What's their nature? //(Jan 21st 2011)

-- What does it exactly mean to FORGIVE A PERSON? If next time the one is going to repeat unfair/ humiliating/ injuring action – why should I blindly get hurt again? What if I get MURDERRED because of that? What it means – to FORGIVE? //(Jan 22nd 2011)

-- Where am I going to settle down with my own house? How much money should I have in my pocket to begin living off the land? Do I need a car? Do I want parents to live with me? //(Jan 25th 2011)

-- Is naive wrong behaviour? What naive exactly means – how is it different from sincere, true, open? //(Feb 13th 2011)

-- How to cure wrist joing so that it doesn't hurt and I can walk USD? //(Feb 17st 2011 282)

-- Don't great teachers like Yuri MOROZ or Mirzakarim NORBEKOV contradict themselves by firstly saying'n'encouraging self initiative and experimentation and true search, but then REQUIRE rigid following their instructions: “My life's fucked up because I'm fucked up researcher?” //(Jan 21st 2011)

-- Should I leave my motherland if I find a place in foreign country where I work with a better efficiency BECAUSE OF BETTER COOPERATION OF OTHER PEOPLE WORKING WITH ME? Or no matter how bad conditions & people are I should live where I was born & make best sense of my life. //(Mar 11th 2011)

-- Is losing siemen hazardous/ harmful to health? And if I learn to control siemen production, may I have sex without losing siemen without being harmful to health? Because it feels good. //(Mar 26th 2011)

-- Is NORBEKOV a liar? Does he lie about great capabilities in his books? About intuition, seeing'n'hearing over distance, tree fire and other great stuff? //(Mar 27th 2011)

-- How on Earth can I work on things I like (no-toxic-exhaust-mobile-green-free-energy-generators) (a) living on my own land without a lot of angry/ impeding/ destructive people (b) having the materials I need (c) food & other life sustaining resources? //(Mar 31st 2011)

-- [Biz] How to build highly motivated team where everybody gives their all to the team's goal? Not trying to just live on team's expense, but really actually work their asses off to achieve the goal? //(Apr 10th 2011)

-- What's the difference between extrim & masochism? Is ru-mil extrim or masochism? //(Apr 14th 2011)

-- Why salary of floor-moppers/ cleaners generally in any organisation/ corporation is LOWER than any other job employee. //(Jun 20th 2011)


– [Efficiency] How do I know if I'm being LAZY or I'm in thinking-before-do state? [May]

– [Health, Skills] Do yoga people ever crap? (I mean those ones who are able to transform air into all the carbohydrates, proteins, sugar and so on?) [April]

+ [Relationship] How to choose one & only one woman if they are all so fabulously gorgeous and spectacular? (Is there something else except responsibility, common morality? Why polygamous relationships're considered bad?) [February]

A: My guess would be greed and unskilfulness. If I'm wise and experienced enough, I'm easily able to enjoy and respect my permanent partner (wife) and so she is. Because in the end, it's all about relationship, making your partner (not yourself) feeling good. It's about compassion, not consumption of as much people's attention as possible. Mutual compassion. As I wrote it in "Love versus pleasure" post. [March]

– [Ecology] How much trash are we currently producing on a daily basis? (paper, cardboard, plastic, especially naturally unprocessable materials) [February]

– [Spontaneous] What sort of connection is there between 12 hours in daytime and 12 months in year? [February]

– [Mission] What's teenage maximalism is and is it bad or good? Does it help achieving goals? [February]

– [Finance] Is it always a good act to charge less (providing the same quality) for my professional service? [February]

– [Efficiency, Geeking] Which problems are real and which ones are artificially made by men and which ones just don't really exist? [January]

– [Efficiency, Geeking] If life is artificially designed to be a fight arena between evil and good, then how do I behave? (Be evil or good? Live in misery or try to find pleasure and joy all the time? Or create pleasure and joy, and beauty, and health and welfare) [January]

– [Efficiency, Geeking] Where is the difference between being innovative and listening to what people want and ask for? (I may produce underwear in unimaginable volumes or invent technology of no demand at all) [January]

– [Efficiency, Geeking] Who lives life more fulfilled: (a) the one who worries all the time how much money is there on one's bank account; or (b) the one who is doing one's best whatever one's job is and not trying to take control of financial side? [January]

– [Common Sense] In which way narcotics differ from things body requires: food, water? [January]

– [Common Sense] What if previous knowledge is a fallacy? (Like a huge massive hallucination) [January]

– [Common Sense] How to apply knowledge from previous generations, because people often re-write smb. else's one and mess up the real case and so eventually if repeated – doesn't bring the outcome, doesn't work? [January]

– [Communication] What's care? (To provide resources? – some people take it and just waste without any outcome. To make one's life miserable? Men ain't designed to live in misery – we love joy and happiness) [January]

– [Common Sense] What's the main difference between man and woman? What are their mutual services? [January]


– [Communication] How do I make sure that after N years I'm not gonna suddenly turn into a white-collar manager doing nothing but evil, protecting my dirty consciousness trying to jam my pockets full of bucks, not listening to what people I work with say? [December]

– [Communication] What's the best way to treat people? (I mean I can be polite, patient and sweet, protect from being exposed to cruel sad truth, like their laziness and jealosy. Or I can be rude, efficient. And sometimes rudeness teaches me faster than politeness. So, which one is the best?) [December]

– [Mission] How people find their talents? (Capabilities of doing particularly amazing job) [December]

– [Mission] How to look for the best mentor? (Because once I've decided I found a mentor, I gotta patiently and totally follow his/her instructions, which in bad case may leed to time loss) [December]

– [Mission] How can I improve ecology situation on this planet dramatically during my lifetime? [December]

– [Esoteric] What's fundamentally new? (Not an improved version, not a slightly different perspective - but fundamentally new) [December]

– [Mission] Successful people say: “To succeed one must do what it is they love” Okay, if everybody starts fucking all day long, then who is going to produce food, provide energy supply and so on, and so forth? [December]

– [Efficiency] How I define usefully spent time and wasted time? (What's rest time? What kind of time is nap/ workout/ eating/ taking a shower?) [December]

– [Efficiency] How a manager estimates amount of work done by his programmer, so that efficient programmer gets a better pay? (Not the time spent sitting behind a monitor, not the amount of lines in source code files) [December]

– [Mission] What is a successful outstanding day? [November]

+ [Communication] Why vulgar female behaviour is considered bad and ashamed in society? I and everybody love to have sex, and to communicate with women who love to have sex and don't hide it. Is it envy of those women who don't look good and are just lazy to workout? [November]

A: Women feel vulnerable while being open in a hostile society. And where it's friendly, they are very much open and demonstrate their beauty to everybody's delight. [November]

– [Mission] How long should I research myself until I finally find & start really achieving a goal of my life? (Is anybody out there, who found that goal during 5'th year of life?) [November]

– [Travel] Is that a good idea to participate in «Au Pair USA/ Europe» program for such a long period (6-12 months)? [November]

– [Health] Why my shit is usually brown? (Should it be, like, green?). [October]

– [Efficiency] If I'm doing such a great and precious job then why do I get paid so little that I barely can afford healthy food? (Besides that I still wanna nice house, vehicle, periodic travels, et cetera). [September]

– [Government] Who the fuck governs over currency ratio? (Why is it that 1$ == 30ruble and 1eur == 45ruble?). [September]

– [Esoteric] WTF EVIL for? (EVIL is smth. that makes my goal harder achievable). [September]

+ [Mission] Why people who actually get job done are so underpaid compared to people who own the system under which those first people work? [September]

A: It's an universal (world-wide) rule to make sure you do a right thing that you're willing to die for. [Mar2010]


+ Efficiency [January] Answered in October 2009.


Tags technique [December]

What's love [December]

Accomodation time smashing up [November]

+ Overload reason [November]. Answered in October 2009.

+ Paying forward [October]. Answer [October 2009]: because I wanna my partners who I work with to have a nice time with me.

Ivan Yurlagin,