2011: month-by-month@klopix

The whole year in short: *not over yet*

Month-by-month: →20112010200920082007 → 2006 → 2005 → 2004 → 2003 → 2002 → 2001 → 2000 → 1999 → 1998 → 1997 → 1996 → 1995 → 1994 → 1993 → 1992 → 1991 → 1990 → 1989 → 1988 → 1987 → 1986
Day-by-day: →2011 →201020092008


[v] Video: Carwash

video clip


[v] +1 job: Carwash

Windows and balconies are cool, but I need more money for Tonya: her rent, her meds, her everything.

[v] Appartment fixes

(1) Table. (2) Bed 2-leveled. (3) Bathroom floor. (4) Hall wall corner protection from deterioration.


[→] Got new job: balconies and windows

[v] Found an assistant to take care of Tonya

Tonya's girl-friend Anya is helping out her while she's unable to go bathroom, unable to cook food, or go outside. Had to pay her 6 kRUR in 2 weeks.


[+] Flipped off Roof-Montage boss

I got sick to my stomach of boss increasingly delaying paying salary. I told that right in their face, took money and walked away not going to work next day, and day after that day. And for all eternity. From that day I'm looking for a new job.

However I enjoyed working with guys, I made a short (5 min) video. //Sep 15th

[+] Found myself separate from folks appartments

It's a kitchen+room flat in old wooden house. 4kRUR/month. First floor. Need to burn wood to heat up the appartments :) No water supplying pipe-system. No bathroom. I'm preparing to live in a house off-the-big-land. //Sep 17th

[+] I got the SCOOTER!

Here I am, getting the thing I've been dreaming entire summer or even 2.5 years since the trip to China. And you won't believe this.. but the very same day at eveningtime I injured a girl pretty seriously in a road accident. Girl I even haven't met before this day. Then was the emergency-room, then surgery on her right knee. From now on I'm looking after her, watching how things are, paying all the expences (there's quite some when you're in such a situation, I gotta tell ya).

Scooter was gonna arive on Sep 19th Mon 2011 and just three days before that day I thought, what if while I can't afford to supply lots of scooters for my biz-idea of scooter-renting, I just do scooter-taxi business: scooter is ultimately mobile, small, perfect for city. But.. on one downhill wind pushes me on a fence, I try to turn away from it, but she touches the damn fence by right knee at speed of 40km/h. Damn it. //Sep 19th

[+] [Communication, People] Met w/h Kate KAREVA

She wrote me first via email saying "hey, dude, my mom handed me over a piece of paper with your contact info saying you're the guy who adores William McDonough -- the Cradle2Cradle man, let's meet in person". So I did on Sept the 24th Sat. She was with her girlfriend. They told about themselves, I told about me. And we never met anymore :) But who knows this life what will happen and so on. She's nice mannered, good looking female. //Sep 26th

[+] Finally got CDMA USB internet modem

Actually I got it for the girl from the scooter-accident, but still it's nice to try it out, it works pretty fast (I didn't expect it to be so) and it's 250RUR/month.
wellcom.etk.ru //Sep 26th

[+] *SCOOTER* Repairing

The engine started to shut off on no acceleration mode, some fluid began to run under the seat, so I decided I hand it over to scooter-service guys. (In October they fixed it cool).

I also found out how to change turnleft-turnright bulbs. It's easy. And sometimes all you have to do is just cleanup the electric connection between bulb and the socket.

Also I now know how to change air filter. And that air pipe that go into engine sometimes is shrinked at the beginning to prevent engine to shut off of too much oxygen on high speed. But if you shrink the pipe butt TOO MUCH engine isn't that frolic, it may shut off on no-acceleration. //Sep 19th


[+] *OFF.THE.LAND.LIVING* wireless usb modem is 550RUR

For the modem it's 300 and 250 is a month pay tax. //Aug 5th

[→] *BIZ.IDEA* Delta-plane taxi

Because city traffic is so damn overloaded deltaplane can do a better service than a regular taxi vehicle. //Aug 5th

[+] *VEHICLE* Purchase gas-scooter

→ Been to following stores: (1) Rubicon, (2) Kronshtadt, (3) Kras-Moto, (4) Kras-Moped, (5) Sib-Moto, (6) Automarket-777, (7) Ekstrim, (8) Avtostrada. Figured they charge too much (for me) for just delivering scooters from Japan. So I've decided I just ask for delivery from Japan (not exactly — from Vladivostok, but they charge very little. It's just that you can't get a SINGLE bike from Japan, you gotta make an order for like 40+ bikes -- an entire container, so at first I decided to go with Vladivostok, in future when I'm on my scooter-biz-idea I'll ask for an entire container).
→ Got a helmet from Anton V. for free (I gave him a pack of waffles as being grateful for his kindness).
→ Obtained nice tough solid about 3 meters CHAIN for scooter to fix it up to a tree or any kinda metallic construction nearby downtown store or whatsoever when the scooters isn't at the garage.
→ Bought a lock “Булат” for the chain.
→ Transferred 14kRUR for the scoot to Vladivostok.
→ Now waiting on the deliverying company to hand it over to me here in K.
//Aug 14-20th

[+] *APPARTMENTS* Seen a variant of an ENTIRE HOUSE

Man it was so STINKING. Literally it smelled like some food has dated out. //Aug 5th


Called my Uzhur captain if I can copy the movie I made there to enjoy it personally (not for everyone to watch because it kinda confidential). //Sep 6th

[+] *RUMIL* Put all the scripts online

Put it on Picasaweb & backed it up on Fotki.Yandex. //Aug 28th

[→] *CLOTHING* Found a store

Джамбульская 19 -- "КРАФТ".
Краснодарская 3 -- "Звёздочка". //End of August

[→] *BIKING*

Had an outstanding bicycle ride to Divnogorsk. In my new vintage helmet. T'waz'fanta-a-a-astic.
On my way back there was ni-i-ice rain ride with anti-rain coat :) I had my entire face in dirt :))) Co-o-o-o-ol.
At Divnogorsk I saw grandpa garage, slept in a quiet forestish atmosphere & went into forest and previous grandma's house. So many memory remains! COOL. //Aug 28th

[+] *HOUSE.JOB* Been to ORION

Been to Orion company who builds skeleton-based houses (well – buildings). Both production of sandwitch panels & mountage. //Aug 5th

[+] *JOB*

We FINALLY covered entire roof of the ice arena. //Aug 5th

[+] Pick restored pension ID after August the 7th

[X] Get reply from TARANCEV about SL job.

They just fucking IGNORE me. Then they don't need my service. I don't strive to be an office bitch either.

[X] Install water expense hardware (255-58-78)

I'm getting out of parents appartments as soon as I get forthcoming salary.

[+] Read architecture book (PDF), German one (Noyfert)


→ Got a NEW JOB -- Mounting roof upon ice arena

Plusses: (1) outdoor, (2) new experience, (3) new contacts (Misha), (4) restored pension ID (need to pick it up on August the 7th). //Jul 5th Tue 2011

→ Put a lotta stuff on 24au.ru

To sell some useless old stuff from house.

→ Got EEE laptop and tuned it up for myself

→ Found a watchdog-job while living in forest

Took a ride to Soloncy to see the temp-house on land. It's 65-70 kRUR, and it's pretty second-handish. Later on Ganina Zaimka I found wa-a-a-a-ay more attractive one with a job offer of watchdog.

→ Figured out what kinda SCOOTERS exist and how much they cost

Electric, gasoline. Also found shops in Krsk (kras-moto.ru, kras-moped.ru) and in China (escooterschina.com).

→ Accidentally met Zhdanov -- the guy who talks about alchohol, smoke & vision restore

That was really quite amazing — earlier I saw him only on monitor.

Ivan Yurlagin