The whole year in short:
Orange look&feel ||
Restorer ||
New progra job ||
Typography ||
→ 2010
→ 2009
→ 2007
→ 2006
→ 2005
→ 2004
→ 2003
→ 2002
→ 2001
→ 2000
→ 1999
→ 1998
→ 1997
→ 1996
→ 1995
→ 1994
→ 1993
→ 1992
→ 1991
→ 1990
→ 1989
→ 1988
→ 1987
→ 1986
[SL] Got bloody sick of office work: motionless, lowpaid, what's the point?
[Educ, Books] Read ~5 Vladimir MEGRE's books about Anastasia
[Progra, FDVM] New SW project: video&audio mixer
[Communication] Have been to Sasha's (typography) family potato harvest annual activity: incredibly solid and hard-working family!
[Progra, SL] Practically all the time into programming (like 14 hours a day)
[Educ] HDL
[Educ] ASUTP
[Entertainment, Video] Madonna's 2006 live tour video «Confessions»: gorgeous! A woman in her 60'ties isn't scared to be so sexually open minded
[Skills, Finance] Typography unforgettable experience
[SL] Got first salary from SL: extremely low → started looking for xtra-money on the side
[Progra, TextUpdater] Second commercial software project
[Comfort] Moved to a single-person appartments in the hostel: sweet, but too small
[Health] A lotta beach & sun: got sunburnt over 3 times!
[Skills, Telephone] First commercial software project
[Skills, SL] Bitmap editor/ Video player/ Live grabber
[Skills, Finance] Got a new job! Software developer @SL: very much different from theoretical research job: I gotta actually produce PC applications which work and do it in a way that other people would like to use it; I may draw or write on paper as long as I want, but if an application isn't written and working — I did NOTHING (versus reasearchers who wrote an artice); so not working (nicely) — no work done
[Restorer, Diploma] Bachelor degree
[Restorer, Diploma] Final preparations to protect my bachelor degree
[Links] Artemy LEBEDEV's travel experience
[Skills, Photo] Photo retouche workspace
[Skills, Photo] Photo retouche
[Entertainment] Attended university gymnastics contest: impressive and gorgeous
[Communication] Parallels presentation and hiring superhilarious interview after a call
[Communication] Got a new neighbour: Dennis got married, Alexey checked in
[Mission] Found Yuri MOROZ videos, texts: wow, that's deep and mind boggling!
[Fun] New hair look&feel :)
[Progra, Restorer] Implemented processing engine & GUI
[Communication, People] Miha visit
[Health, Biking] Took a nice ride upto KSU famous hill
[Mission] OMDP: money itself can never be a goal (cash is trash)
[Comfort] Changed multiblade shaving-set to singleblade one
[Eng] Serious exam: went just fine! (thanks to Maria N. PROLUBNIKOVA)
Ivan Yurlagin