2009: month-by-month@klopix

The whole year in short: 4 projects for SL ||
Lost in China ||
GreenEE ||
3 month in a row running to work ||
+19 questions ||
Left hand development ||

Month-by-month: → 2010 →200920082007 → 2006 → 2005 → 2004 → 2003 → 2002 → 2001 → 2000 → 1999 → 1998 → 1997 → 1996 → 1995 → 1994 → 1993 → 1992 → 1991 → 1990 → 1989 → 1988 → 1987 → 1986
Day-by-day: →201020092008

[Educ, Video] TED talks

[Progra, FDVM, SL] New stable version
[Video Montage] «How to be SAFE & EFFICIENT in office space environment», «[Summer 2009, FL] Shiny»
[Green EE] First induction: ~2.5V AC
[Health, Efficiency] Pure Water: finally decided to pay for delivery, not to buy water almost every day from a store and carry it home in my backpack
[Communication, Photo] New albums: «Florida2007», «Nasty Casual», «People», «Casual», «Ivan's visit», «Ekaterinburg», «Kamarchaga», «Sketch»

[Skills] Started to develop my right (art) brain hemisphere by replacing right hand by left one in almost everything I do involving hands (tooth brushing, PC mouse moving, handwriting, et cetera)
[Jogging, Efficiency] To save time I started jogging to and back from work
[Communicaion, Photo] New album: «All about me»
[Girls, Communication] Outstanding Oya's naked post
[Green EE, Mission] Found a major lifetime long goal
[Video Montage] «In a hurry to work»: audio envelopes and video velocity envelopes technique
[Efficiency] Wrote Safety Stopwatch PC app
[Health] Raw food recipes (www.rawfamily.com, greensmoothiegirl.com): make my stomach feel much better after feeding
[Progra, FDVM, SL] Simple grabber
[Eng] Online radios: real language
[Health] Started doing Norbekov's gymnastics everyday: helps feeling myself great and productive
[Finance, Alfabank, SL] Obtained my personal DEBIT CARD and an account @alfabank
[Mission] Solnushkov: also tells to define goals
[Mission] Georgy Efimov's webinar: my 4 questions & answers
[Educ] Books' video review @koob.ru

[Travel] China2009: ultimately cool journey
[Communication] Gave Chinese photos to a CONFUCIUS-CLASS contest
[Communication] WiFi router & access point: new level of internet experience!
[Finance] First webmoney experience & first remote job fraud (typing)
[Skills] Russian blind keyboard typing: useful, easy, fast
[Progra, NewsLine, SL] New release
[Video Montage] My first movie montage experience @Vegas: «Lost in China»: super-hilarious, funny and joyful
[Health] Bought a nice mat to sleep on from IKEA
[Travel] Berdsk
[Girls] «Naked news» @youtube is really something
[Girls] 3d sexvilla
[Girls, Progra] Wrote javascript based slideshow html desktop

[Health] A lotta biking and workout; refused to jog the Krsk-Dvngrsk distance on a solid surface
[Music] BRANSON's music income
[Finance] Semen (from Norb. school) conversation
[Finance] MOROZ school's texts for free, ADI videos
[Interrior] Lobby work
[Mission] www.kaysen.net — goal & achievement criteria

[Communication] Met Lubov CHERTOVA
[Fun, Nature] Got entirely completely ultimately wet three times during a single month — yaaay!
[Progra, FDVM, SL] New release
[Progra, NewsLIne, SL] RSS PubDate parsing/ RSS minmax
[Finance, Progra, StudyRealEnglish] Demonstrated great movie collection PC app to BRAGIN: told me he is very concerned about legal issues → couldn't start the biz
[Appartments] Checked in for summer
[Jogging, Gadget] Purchased Nike+ sensor
[Girls] Saw such a gorgeous feminine creature — like an angel in human flesh — her hips were swinging side to side in clean white tight underwear flickering through a transparent summertime dress

[Progra, Slideshow, SL] ReadWave/ PlayWave/ Zebra control/ Layout scrolling/ 1st release
[Finance, SL] 12k salary
[Jogging] 20km record
[Health] Obtained some really nice sport shoes
[Timewaste] University Exams: philosophy, physics, other bullshit
[Girls] New record: 15 jerks off in two days

[Progra] Advanced MFC features:
– irregularly shaped forms
– dynamic toolbars/ context menu's
– nice mouse-event-driven buttons
– transparent controls

[Finance] Offered mr. BRAGIN a movie distribution business: he seemed to be very excited; told me to do the collection teasers
[Communication] Vladimir SOLOVYOV @NSU

[Finance] Pure Water Business:
– most people want to sit on their asses doing nothing and getting everything for free, even adults;
– but if it's worth them a 1000 rubles a month — they'd better buy cigarettes or beer;
– really exciting to create and experience new activities in life;
– negotiations, charity, service, busy, right thing to do.
[Educ] AlGore's «Inconvenient Truth» video presentation

[Photo] Bro & famous ww people
[Progra] WAV reader (RIFF)
[Progra, FDVM, SL] Into testing stage
[Eng] Frederick W. TAYLOR. «The principles of scientific management»: so present-dayish!
[HDL, Progra] Linear Filter, Sound Device
[Eng, Movie] Zune installation
[Timewaste] Physics exam

[Fun, Video] Watched: «House M.D.» (4 seasons) & «Dexter» (3 seasons)
[Health] A lotta workout!
[Eng] 3 translated articles
[Educ] Richard BRANSON «Losing My Virginity: The Autobiography». Yuri MOROZ «Posobiye dlya slaboumnyh». Mirzakarim NORBEKOV «Kuz'kina Mat'». Evgeniy CHICKVARKIN «Esli iz 100 raz tebya posylayut 99».

Ivan Yurlagin